Fashion Fanatics: 12 Smart Ways To Organise Your Clothes

If you’re someone who can never have too many clothes, you may find that storage can get a bit tricky. It is important to store clothes correctly so that they remain in good condition. If you have an extensive fashion collection, you might need to come up with multiple ways to store various items properly.

You should ensure that you know the correct way to take care of your clothes, particularly for items that are delicate or fabrics that are challenging to care for. This article will discuss some of the best ways to organise your clothes to ensure you make the best use of the space available and keep your clothes in excellent condition.

Organise Your Clothes

Empty Out Your Clothes Storage

The first step towards a well-organised clothing collection is to start with a blank slate. You should take all of your clothes out of your wardrobe and drawers and give the storage space is a thorough clean. It is a good idea to do this at least every six months. You can also take this opportunity to go through your clothes and throw out or donate anything that you don’t use anymore.

Declutter Frequently

Decluttering is crucial to help you keep your fashion collection in line with your style. Clutter can be a big source of stress, so it is important to keep on top of it. You should take the time to declutter thoroughly at least every week. You can also do smaller daily declutters to help keep on top of things.

Use A Butler Stand To Reduce Floordrobe

A butler stand can be an excellent option for anyone with a floordrobe issue. This is a stand where you can hang clothes that have been used but don’t need to be washed yet. They will often come with a built-in hanger and rack so that you can put your clothes on them at the end of the day.

Buy Multipurpose Furniture

It is a good idea to choose furniture that doubles as storage. This can help reduce the appearance of clutter and ensure you have plenty of space to store all your clothing. You could consider getting a bed with built-in drawers to keep your seasonal clothing when not in use. 

Use Wall Hooks

Hanging items on the wall can be a great way to make use of the space. You could consider putting up wall hooks in the back of your wardrobe and on empty wall spaces. Scarves, bags, and shoes can all be hung up to save space and display your items. You should ensure you use high-quality hooks and install them properly so that you can ensure your items will be secure. 

Get A Fitted Wardrobe

An excellent way to make good use of all the space available is to invest in a fitted wardrobe. You will need to take accurate measurements of the space you want your wardrobe to be placed. You should research wardrobe providers to make the best possible choice. Always choose a provider with plenty of choice and experience, and ensure they use quality materials. Take a look at these built-in wardrobes by Online Bedrooms for an idea of the quality you should be looking for. 

Hang Up Your Jewellery

Hanging your jewellery up can help free up space and allow you to see all of your options. You could use wall hooks for this, as mentioned above, or create a DIY corkboard jewellery display. You should store all of your jewellery by category. It may be best to hang your jewellery inside your wardrobe to prevent dust from building up on your collection. 

Categorise Your Clothes

It is a good idea to sort your clothes into categories. You can then store your clothes by category, making finding the pieces you want when getting dressed easier. You could separate items into broad categories such as outerwear and underwear and then categorise further based on the items in your clothing collection. 

Roll Rather Than Fold

Rolling clothing rather than folding can help you make the most of the available space. You could roll items like t-shirts, tank tops and leggings to help reduce the amount of space these items take up. You should store rolled clothes vertically so that you can quickly identify them when getting dressed. 

Keep The Most Used Clothes Assessable

It is a good idea to keep your most-used clothes accessible. If you’re not sure which of your clothes you use the most, you could consider keeping a clothing diary and ticking off which items you use and when. 

You could also turn the hangers around in your wardrobe and put them back the other way round when used. This can help you identify which clothes you use most. Having your most used items accessible will help cut down on the time it takes to get ready and reduce the chances of a floordrobe accumulating. 

Choose The Right Hangers

You should ensure you choose the right hangers for your clothing. Different materials may require specific hangers, so it is a good idea to invest in multiple hangers that will suit your various needs. When buying new clothes, it may help to research the best hanger for them, and ensure you use the right one. 

Donate Anything That Doesn’t Fit

Many people hang on to clothes that no longer fit properly in the hopes that they will fit again someday. This is understandable but can lead to significant clutter in the wardrobe. It is best to donate or recycle anything that no longer fits and focus on building up your collection of clothes that fit well. 


Storing your clothes properly is crucial to help them last and remain in good condition. For fashion lovers, storing clothes well is invaluable. There are plenty of ways to store clothes to help you increase the amount of space you have and ensure everything is properly displayed. You should experiment with some of the tips above to help you find the right storage and organisation solutions for you and your clothing.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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