Finishing Touches To Consider For Your New Home

Many responsibilities demand your attention after moving to a new home. It can often seem like there’s no end to the process when you have so much to do.

Additionally, movers tend to try to avoid stress during this time however possible. Paying any attention to the finishing touches required for a home can seem premature right up until the eleventh hour. After all, it’s just another onslaught of things to think about at first!

Still, it’s important to consider these finer points in more detail. The finishing touches aren’t just little perks and bonuses but nuances that really accentuate your home’s look, feel, and overall character. Here are some of the finishing touches you should consider for your new home.

New Home

House Plants

Any home can benefit from a bit of greenery. House plants can oxygenate the rooms they feature in and add a splash of colour.

A sense of style can be appreciated here too. There are many house plants to choose from, including tall ones that are grander in scale to smaller ones that can sit snugly on a windowsill. Each offering adds a bit of distinct personality to your home.

Know that house plants can also help with your mental well-being. Not only do they provide more breathable air, but they also need to be watered and looked after. This can help diversify your daily routine and help you feel better about yourself as you nurture nature.

In the quest for furniture, some movers will overlook houseplants. If you feel your home is ‘missing something’, their inclusion will often resolve that issue.


It’s tempting to hang pictures of friends and family exclusively in your new home. Try to branch out from this.

For example, you could hang impressionist, caricature, or landscape artwork. After that, you can pick up some made to measure picture frames to accentuate the beauty of the display further. Different designs, sizes, materials and colours are available with Picture Frames Direct for a cost-effective sum, so start browsing. The art can resonate even more powerfully when you have the right frame.

Things can evolve beyond the art you hang up as well. Sculptures, models, or musical instruments can all feature exquisitely in a home. If you can create an artful feel in at least one room, it communicates your depth of character and your more intriguing interests. The property can seem much more layered and meaningful in this fashion.

Different Scents

A powerful aroma can be delightful in your new home. It’s also an excellent way to get past any ‘new home’ smells after all the unpacking or long periods of the property’s inoccupancy. The right scent will help you to feel at home right away.

You can use things like reed diffusers or scented candles to add extra charm to the space. Moreover, scents lend a different dynamic to the home, appealing to other senses beyond the visual alone. Cast your net wide and have a smell for any occasion in your home, whether it’s welcoming parties, relaxing baths, or romantic date nights.

Flowers such as lavender can also give off a wonderful scent. They’ll complement your indoor plants, too, so do some research to see which would go best together.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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