Make Your New Home Yours With These Tips

Moving into your new home is an exciting time. You’ll be done with the process of buying it, so you can relax somewhat.

Then there are all of the possibilities for decorations. You can do what you want with it. You’ll likely focus on a few specific things.

That can make it easy to overlook some of the more important things. You’ll need to make your new home yours.

While part of that naturally entails redecorating, there are several factors that could be as vital as this. You’ll want to make sure that you’re comfortable in the property and that it’s truly yours.

You’ll need to make sure that you get a few things done in the first few weeks after moving in.

New Home

What To Do After Moving Into Your New Home

Change The Locks

Are you sure that your family are the only people with keys to your home? Before you buy the property, it’s likely that the person selling the house, alongside a real estate agent, will have keys.

They’ll typically hand these over once the house has been sold. You can never be 100% certain that somebody else doesn’t have a key, however.

While this is unlikely, it could be worth protecting yourself against. Changing the locks will be well recommended.

Doing so will be relatively affordable and will only take a few minutes. The only part that could take a little time would be going out and getting new keys cut.

Once that’s done, you could feel much safer when you’re home. It’s worth making this one of the first things you do.

Look For Damp

You’ll likely have gotten an inspection done before agreeing to buy the house. It could be possible that several things were brought up during this process.

Signs of dampness will be one of the more notable. If these are found, it’s best to get them seen as quickly as possible.

Damp is known to spread if left unaddressed. That could lead to mould, among other things. Once you have this treated, getting damp proofing is more than recommended.

Though this could be relatively costly, it’s more affordable than needing to treat mould again. It’s also worth getting this done before you move in.

That way, you wouldn’t have to move furniture around or out of the house to get things done.

Give Everything A Deep Clean

Unless the property is a new build, it’ll naturally have been lived in for quite a while. Though the sellers will give it a solid clean before selling, you might want to go over this again.

A deep clean will get rid of any dirt or other messes that may have been overlooked before. That’s especially true of carpets and similar belongings.

Steam machines, among other things, can be helpful with this. Germs and bacteria can hide in areas that you mightn’t realize.

Using a steam machine will make sure they’re not in your carpets or other fabric-based belongings. You might want to take a similar approach with the rest of your home.

Find Out Where Everything Is

You’ll need to know where everything in your home is. That’s easy to do when you’re moving your belongings in; you’ll remember where you put them.

There’ll be a few things that you aren’t responsible for that you’ll need to know about. The water shut-off valves can be one of the more notable.

While nobody wants plumbing issues to pop up, they’re likely to at some point or another. You’ll need to make sure that you can avoid too much damage to your home if it does.

If you know where the shut-off valves are – and how to actually use them – you can do that. You should also find out where the circuit breaker box is.

Electrical fires can be relatively rare, but you’ll need to turn off the electricity before tackling them. If you’re getting any electrical work done, you’ll also need to know where this is.

Neither of these should take too long to find, although they’re still worth looking for.

Start Decorating

Now it’s officially time to start doing some of your decorating. Your new home should be close to ready to move into, aside from minor decorative aspects.

Painting will be the most notable option, especially when you’ve first moved in. Doing this before you move all of your belongings in could be the better-recommended option.

That’ll give you more room to paint while making sure that things aren’t in the way. You also wouldn’t need to worry about getting paint on any of your furniture.

You’ll also give the house time to air out before you properly move in. While you might have other decorative aspects to take care of, it could be worth waiting until after you’re done painting.

Easy Ways To Make Your New Home Feel Like Yours

Each of the above should be some of the first things you do when you move into your new home. After that, there are quite a few other ways you can make it feel like yours.

Redecorating will be the most obvious. You should keep a few things in mind when you’re doing so. These are:

  • Take an organized approach from the start.
  • Have some sturdy hooks for towels in the bathroom. You can also place them near the front door for coats.
  • Set up your entertainment center with a television etc.

Keeping those tips in mind should be more than helpful when you’re trying to make your new home feel like yours.

Wrapping Up

Figuring out what to do after moving into your new home can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. You’ll be excited to get certain things done.

The sheer volume of things you’ll have to look after could be overwhelming, however. You shouldn’t have to stress about these.

You’ll have plenty of time to make your new home feel like it’s yours. Some things are best done quickly, though.

Each of the above should be done within the first few weeks of moving in. Once you do, there shouldn’t be a problem making your home feel like yours.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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