The reason’s why having a hobby can benefits you

Collins’ Dictionary defines a hobby as ‘an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time. They are usually a lifelong passion that you will strive to improve upon over time to increase the pleasure that it brings you.

There are many different types of hobbies and here are some examples of the most popular hobbies in the UK.



More than 50% of responders to a UK survey said that music was their main hobby which made it the most popular. Music comes in the form of listening whilst you are relaxing at home or playing in a band with your friends.

There are so many ways to enjoy music with streaming platforms like Spotify making it easier than ever to create playlists of your favourite music.


Many people enjoy the challenges that come with coding which makes it an easy hobby to have a passion for. It is now easier than ever to get started with coding using Arduino kits which are easy to use for beginners, intermediates and experts.

Coding can develop into many other hobbies too with the likes of robotics involving coding as a basic skill.


Whether it’s football, netball, cricket or rounders, sport can bring a competitive element that makes people fall in love with their favourite game. Any sportsperson will aim to improve their abilities which fuels their obsession for playing this sport.

Playing sports brings with it many transferable skills including teamwork, communication skills and strategic thinking which can be great to mention on your CV.

What are the benefits of hobbies?

There are many benefits to having hobbies which may vary depending on what the hobby you do is. Here are some of the main ones.

Better physical health

When your hobby includes physical activity like playing a sport or going to the gym then you will find your physical health to be in a much stronger position which may reduce your risk of health adversaries down the line.

Helps mental health

It is estimated that 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer from poor mental health and so, finding a way to alleviate that is huge. Fortunately, when you are interacting with your hobby, your brain creates chemical reactions which improve your mental state positively. Hobbies also help to boost self-esteem as we continue to enhance our abilities within them.

Reduces stress

After a stressful day at work, you’ll want nothing more than to switch off from it all and with a hobby, you will be able to do just that. Your favourite hobby will allow you to escape from the real world and forget about your daily struggles for a short period of time.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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