Top tips for receiving cold calls from an unknown number


“I have too much time on my hands,” said nobody, ever.

Living and working in London means we’re constantly on the go. We’re not the only ones. Native Londoners and transplants to the city often walk at a faster pace than those around them. It’s almost as if we feel we have more to do in fewer hours.

Like many of the people we see day-to-day, we find ourselves using our mobile phones to fill those little pockets of time. Often, when walking from one meeting to the next, we use that time to call colleagues, set up more meetings, or catch up with loved ones.

And, whether we’re in a taxi, tube, or bus we’ve usually got our phones out checking emails, social media feeds, and our favourite apps.

It’s no wonder then that, most of the time, cold calls are an unwelcome distraction.

Cold Call

How Should I Deal with Cold Calls?

Fortunately, there is a way to check if that mystery number on your phone is for real. Websites like offer a free phone number check. Users simply enter the number and, thanks to the site’s own team and crowdsourced information, get valuable information to decide whether to take or block the call.

For example, a cold call from 08000521251 shows that, at first glance, the number appears to be a genuine call from the Virgin Media company. But the website highlights that the number “seems to be related to a bank scam call”, and that it “might have been spoofed by criminals”. Cloning, or spoofing, phone numbers is a common problem with scam calls and texts in the UK. This quick search suggests that people should treat 08000 521 251 with suspicion. Virgin Media might be using the number, but it’s just as likely that they are not.

But, What are Cold Calls?

Cold calls are uninvited approaches for business. In the UK they often come from a live telemarketer, but increasingly cold calls can be in the form of text messages too.

The rise of social media apps like Facebook and LinkedIn has made cold calling more sophisticated. Companies can now find information on potential prospects online which they use to get a sale.

How are These Unsolicited Calls Regulated in the UK?

Organisations who might make cold calls in the UK are regulated by Ofcom. Breaches of the rules relating to telemarketing are enforced by the Information Commissioners Office.

Phone users can limit cold calls by registering with the Telephone Preference Service. While this can help, it is not particularly effective. This is because the system only applies to UK organisations and does not cover communications like text messages and alerts.

As a result, unsolicited phone calls and text messages are common, even from legitimate companies.

Worse still, scammers use sophisticated phone systems to make spam calls and texts, all with the aim of duping people into parting with their money and personal information!

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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