10 Reasons Why Golf is a Great Hobby

When it comes to your health, fitness, and wellbeing, it is a common misconception that you need to take part in very intensive workout activities like running, cycling, or weightlifting. However, this is simply not doable or enjoyable for many people, and there is no point in getting into an exercise routine that you are not going to feel dedicated to. If you love golf or you are interested in getting into playing golf, then you will be glad to hear that playing golf at least once a week can have some excellent physical and mental health benefits. Whether you need a reason to play more golf or are thinking of taking this sport up, here are some of the top reasons why golf can be good for you.


Weight Loss

While you might not feel like you are doing much towards losing weight at the time, golfers actually burn a lot of calories while doing a round on the course. Golfing often requires a lot of walking, and you might be surprised as to how many steps you can get in when doing an 18-hole round      – chances are that it’s going to be more than the ten thousand daily steps that are recommended by health professionals. In one game, you may walk up to four miles, and the additional weight of carrying your golf clubs around the course can also help you burn more calories. If you’re going to be doing a lot of walking around the course while playing golf, then you will need to invest in some comfortable and supportive golf shoes. Check out FootJoy golf shoes from Function18, which are used by some of the best golf players around the world. Function18 also supply other popular golf shoe brands that you may be interested in including Adidas, Ecco, Lacoste, Nike and more.

Strengthen Bones and Muscles

Golf is by default an outdoor game since it is designed to be played on a course that can be as large as two hundred acres. Because of this, it naturally encourages players to spend more time outside, which means that you’re going to be exposed to a lot more vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D exposure will have many health benefits including helping your bones maintain the right calcium levels. Along with this, carrying your golf clubs around the course during a game can be a great way to get more weight-bearing exercise without the strain on your joints that you might be at risk of with heavy weightlifting in the gym.

Stress Relief

Many people who play golf say that one of the best things about this sport is the stress relief and mood boosting that it provides. Being outside more often and playing a sport that you enjoy with family or friends is an ideal way to de-stress and relax, and you can easily get that from a single game of golf. Research has found that being outside and socialising with friends will release mood-enhancing chemicals called endorphins in your brain, which will naturally help you feel much more relaxed and happier. So, next time you are having a tough day or week, try a game of golf to see if it helps you feel any better.

Improve Your Heart Health

Carrying golf clubs, walking around the course, and swinging your golf club during the game all burn calories, and can be great exercise for keeping your heart rate up. As a result of this, golf can be a great sport to play if you are looking to improve your heart health. It can help you decrease your levels of bad cholesterol, which ultimately leads to better blood flow and a reduced risk of heart attack and heart disease.

Better Sleep

Most people know that the amount and quality of sleep that we get can have a profound impact on our overall health and wellbeing. If you are struggling to sleep at night and suffering the health consequences that come along with this as a result, then you might want to consider playing more golf. For people who play golf, sleep often comes on faster thanks to the energy that you will dispense on the golf course. Along with this, playing golf makes your body tired, which leads to a deeper and more restful sleep allowing your body to regenerate cells and repair any torn tissues and muscles.

Reduce Blood Sugar

If you are worried about high blood sugar, then playing golf can be an excellent way to combat this issue. Playing a game of golf will help your body use up more of the glucose that has been ingested into the body through the foods that you eat. Most people these days eat a diet with foods that are turned into more glucose than they actually need daily. Playing golf provides you with an activity that is not only enjoyable and healthy but also allows you to use up that extra glucose and reduce your blood sugar levels in a way that you enjoy and are comfortable with.

Improve Brain Function

It may surprise you to know that your brain needs three times as much oxygen as your muscles need to work. As a game, golf is often just as much mental as it is physical, which in turn encourages more blood to be pumped to your brain. As a result of this, nerve cell connections are improved. When you are concentrating on your strategy on the golf course, this encourages more oxygen-rich blood to be pumped to your brain, which can help to improve brain function and increase your mental ability.

Reduced Injury Risk

Unlike some other sports, golf is not a contact sport, so there is less of a risk of injury while you are still able to get plenty of exercise and other health benefits like increased vitamin D from being outside. In a game of golf, your level of skill is determined mainly by your precision, strategy, accuracy, and coordination. Because of this, you are at a very low risk of sustaining any injuries while still being able to significantly improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Improve Your Social Life

Since golf is more of a sociable sport with less vigour and more precision, this is a great game to consider getting into if you want more time to interact with others. Golfing might be ideal if you have been feeling particularly lonely over the COVID-19 pandemic and want to get outside more in a safe and distanced environment where you can meet new people and connect with existing friends and family members. A healthy social life can be a great way to improve both your physical and mental health, especially for older people.

Better Longevity

All of the factors above can work together for those who play golf to improve both the quality and the length of your life. Regular exposure to the outdoor environment through playing golf can provide many more health benefits including reducing the risk of dementia, heart diseases, certain cancers, and mental health conditions such as depression.

If you enjoy playing golf and want to do more of it or are looking for something new to do that is fun and gives you the chance to improve your health and wellbeing, these are just some of the main reasons why golf can be so good for you.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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