How To Keep Your Newborn Happy And Healthy

“You are pregnant.”

The happiest news and the most terrifying acknowledgment a woman can experience. Floods of mixed emotions, all at the same time. Most certainly, the moment when you do not know how to behave, especially if you are a first-time parent. As time passes, your main priority is your baby’s well-being. The moment you meet your newborn child is one of the most overwhelming moments. However, the truth is that it is only the beginning of the journey. Hence, here are a couple of tips you may find helpful.

keep newborn happy
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Listen Carefully

It is natural for you to jump whenever you hear the slightest sound from your baby. But, you should not be alarmed whenever your baby makes the tiniest beep. However, you should respond to their cries. This is normal and there is a reasonable explanation for this. Firstly, even though they are tiny, your baby will go through floods of emotions, and most of them will make them feel overwhelmed. The only way they can communicate with you is through crying. So, whenever you hear them crying, it is crucial for you to soothe them in your arms. Nature works wonders, and your baby will feel safe and comfortable, knowing that they can rely on you if they are afraid.

Invest in Baby Gear

With the very acknowledgment that there is a baby coming, you start to make plans and a list of the necessities you will need for their utmost happiness. You must be aware that baby gear does not only exist in strollers and baby seats; there are so many other things you should get. The point is that it is quite a demanding task to get all the necessities because of the huge variety of choices and especially if you are on a limited budget. Therefore, when you shop for baby stuff, it is beneficial to check review sites to determine the best options and their pricing. So, it is quite useful to make a list of baby gear as early as possible. You need to be wise and invest in good-quality strollers, baby monitoring systems, and baby seats. The other pieces of gear you will not use as much should not be as expensive.

Basics Matter

For your child to be happy all the time and feel content and appreciated, you should care for their basic needs. Firstly, you need to take good care of their health. When your baby is newly born, you probably have no experience with baby bathing, diaper changing, stomach massages, or feeding. Luckily, there are professionals in the hospital who can help you with everyday tasks in the very beginning, until you learn how to deal with all of these things alone. The second thing on the list is the regular checkups. These are priorities because they will help you be updated on how your child’s development is going and what the next steps are regarding their immunization.

Speaking of sleep, we know that babies are sleepy little bears. However, some babies, especially those who experience difficulties during pregnancy and childbearing, tend to have irregular sleep patterns. But do not be worried. You can set your child’s sleeping routine and be strict with it until the balance is established. If you ever wondered why sleep is so important for your baby, here is the answer. Namely, your baby’s brain makes essential connections during sleep, and hence, it is responsible for their proper mental development. These connections help your baby understand their environment and help them develop their senses.


We cannot stress this enough. Breastfeeding is one of the most important elements in keeping your baby healthy and happy. Some studies suggest that breast milk has all the components responsible for building your baby’s immune system. Besides this, breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients that are needed for the first six months and has many benefits for the baby. These benefits include reduced risks of asthma, obesity, ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory sickness, and others. On the other hand, if you do not have enough milk right after giving birth, there is no room for you to feel guilty. There are specialized formulas that may help your baby get all the necessary nutrients.

New parents are usually extra cautious and take care of even the slightest change in their newborn’s behavior. And this is understandable. However, you should not feel paralyzed when it comes to parenting. You need to listen to your baby and know how to respond to their demands. They will certainly communicate with you when something is wrong.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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