Winter Warming: How To Keep Your Home Toasty For Less During The Cold Months

Everyone wants to keep their home warm and comfortable during the winter cold months. The cold and frost outside can be very inhospitable, so you want to keep your home warm and welcoming for your family and any guests when they get inside.

Here is a quick guide to staying warm in the winter and keeping your home cosy. It does not have to cost you lots of money to heat your home through even the coldest months.

Cold Months

Upgrade Or Service Your Boiler In The Autumn

Do not wait for your boiler to let you down. If you do not regularly maintain and service your home boiler, or replace an old one, you are asking for trouble.

Switching to a modern boiler is a smart way to reduce the chances of a breakdown, as well as reduce your energy bill. If your central heating system does let you down, or you are looking for a qualified team to install something new and energy-efficient, turn to the professionals at Bbright Ltd.

Do Not Turn The Heat Up, Wear Extra Layers Instead

The simplest way to stay warm in winter is to wrap up. Wearing extra layers of clothes around the house, or having blankets to use on the sofa, can help keep you toasty without turning up your thermostat. You may even be able to skip putting the heating on altogether on a mild winter night.

Keeping a blanket or warm jumper on the back of the sofa seats is a smart way to have an extra layer close at hand when you are watching television or lounging. When you feel the bite of winter on your arms, you can slip on a woolly jumper or cardigan and keep it at bay for another hour or two at least.

Reorganise Your Living Spaces

Having a winter set up for your home is a great idea. By moving your sofas around, and making sure radiators are free from obstruction, you can get better quality home heating.

Moving sofas and chairs so they are out of draughts and closer to heat sources can help you to turn the thermostat down even in winter. This is great for cutting down on bills while staying warm and comfy in winter.

Changes to your bedroom layouts are a bit more drastic, and difficult to do because of awkwardly sized and shaped furniture. You should still investigate switching up your bedroom setups. The changes to the layout are only practical if they are permanent, however.

Make Sure You Are Insulated

Modern insulation can save you hundreds of pounds on winter heating over the years and can be incredibly inexpensive. There are lots of government schemes and discounts available to help every home get new, energy-saving insulation.

This keeps the heat in your home, reducing the amount of energy you need to maintain a cosy level of heat through even a harsh winter. Make sure you have modern insulation and have a look for low-cost insulation deals in your area.

Pick just one or two of these tips and you should be well on your way to keeping your home warm for less in winter. Put them all together and you have a bill-busting package that will keep the frost at bay and put a few extra pounds in your pocket.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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