Traditional British Dishes Set To Become Extinct

Both British and foreign tourists in London are finding their ways to find local pubs and restaurants that are serving dishes from the olden days such as Toad in the hole and Ploughman’s Lunch – Dishes that are making their way back and becoming increasingly popular again.

traditional british dishes
Photo by Yente Van Eynde:

Local London restaurants have started to niche themselves and become famous like Bubble &, that will serve you Bubble & Squeak. The establishment has become so popular that they are featured in a series on Netflix. With a buzz in international press and Social Media, it would be easy to assume that a younger audience is finding their way to try new things.

Toad in the hole may sound strange to the average person and even more foreign to Gen Z, but in some British communities it remains a delicious meal that reminds them of home. In Britain we have had and still have a number of dishes with some exotic names. Although restaurants in London such as The Porcupine (Covent Garden) and Dog & Duck (Soho) serves Toad in the hole, the question is, if these types of dishes are popular amongst a younger audience?

According to research, Gen Z are at risk of archiving more of these classic dishes. Puddings as an example are in danger of extinction with 18% believing the spotted dick is imaginary, and 13% believing that Eton Mess doesn’t count as an actual dish.

In addition, people aged between 18-30 say that old school staples like pie, mash and liquor and a simple Ploughman’s lunch could be non-existent over the next few decades because Gen Z have never tried it.
To ensure that these treasured dishes are not forgotten chefs still include them in their menus today. Gordon Ramsay serves Spotted Dick at his restaurant aptly named Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill.

With a decline in favour of more classic dishes, it cannot go unsaid that the British food scene is trying to integrate and keep the older recipes alive in the form of newer and innovative ways. Modern takes on our favourites are getting a revamp and the interest in reinvigorating these dishes is growing. This can be seen through the multicultural diversity in eateries that are in and around England.

If you are interested in trying new ‘old’ dishes, Gala Bingo has listed 10 classic British meals on their blog, and if you find any of them interesting, you can most likely try them at pubs and restaurants around London. The list can be found here.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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