Taking The Inside Outside: 3 Ways To Make The Garden Part Of The Home

Gardens are one of the most highly prized and high-value areas of any property but we barely make any use of them. Having a garden is a real privilege that homeowners should make the most of. These three ways to take the inside to the outside should help you make more use of your garden and get more value from your home.

Garden Part Of The Home

Take The Home Office Into The Garden

The home garden is often a valuable space that goes under-utilised. It can be great in the spring and summer, but the rest of the year it often lays abandoned until the sun is high in the sky. If you have an outbuilding, or space to put one up, you can turn a space in your garden into your new home office.

Olympian Garden Rooms have some beautiful and contemporary garden rooms that will make the perfect garden office. Their structures are well-insulated, airy, and light thanks to the aluminium framed windows. These structures can add a whole new room to your home, and are great as a garden office or even a spare bedroom. The cedar cladding helps the rooms blend into the garden, and they come fitted with electrical connections so you can get to work right away.

Go Al-Fresco

Gardens make great dining spaces, and with the addition of some outdoor heating, you can make use of them all year round. Adding a decking area for dining, or a patio space for lounging with snacks gives you and your home a whole new space with a variety of uses. This small investment can pay big dividends when done right.

When designing your al-fresco dining space make sure you include some overhead cover. An awning or patio roof makes the space more useable and can give you some protection from rain if the weather suddenly changes. Al-fresco dining spaces can also be used for lounging in the sun or entertaining friends which adds a bigger return to the investment. They are multi-use spaces getting you more value from the time, effort, and money that goes into building them.

Make A Farm Garden Your New Pantry

The cost of living is constantly rising, and the price of many common foods is no exception. By creating a home garden space you are creating a food store you can use all year, and that will save you a lot of money. Growing your own vegetables, herbs, and even fruits is a great way to save money, add value to your garden, and get the kids outside and involved in healthy eating.

Farm garden spaces do not have to be big either. With a deep planter, you can grow a lot of potatoes in a small space, and use the same patch for a few herbs or vegetables that grow above ground like runner beans. This gives you a three-for-one from a single raised planter. You can get your two vegetables and the seasoning for your Sunday roast from right outside the kitchen door.

Do not let space go to waste and get more use from your garden. Adding an extra room adds a tremendous amount of value to a property, helping these upgrades to pay for themselves. Take a look at your garden and see how you could get more use and value from the space.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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