Things To Know Before Starting A Building Project In London

A building project can be exciting, and so too can the prospect of living or working in London. If these goals align, making the most of the opportunity is vital.

The capital is already experiencing a surge in the development of new homes, with a keen focus on making a significant percentage of these properties affordable to the general population. Still, one may not wish to be part of an existing scheme for being misled and let down by the powers behind them.

Still, the investment proves that London is a great place to commence an ambitious construction initiative in theory. Any missteps largely come down to mismanagement, so if you’re overseeing your own project in the capital, you must do so with care.

So, what should you know before starting a building project in London? Read on to find out.

Building project in London

Time Everything Carefully

The UK is engulfed in uncertain and unprecedented times. While the economic turbulence is causing many problems nationwide, among them are the cost of construction materials and industry-specific worker shortages.

Unfortunately, the construction industry is not immune to these problems. The rate of houses being built in London slowed due to rising construction costs at the start of the year. A quarter of construction firms surveyed also reported worker shortages. More than new builds were affected, too, with families and firms second-guessing their intentions to expand their respective properties.

While this type of news can be off-putting, it may just mean that you need to work with builders and services that can more readily rise to these challenges. Many of the UK’s local builders have closed down, so those left will undoubtedly be effective at what they do and easy to find. Still, take your time looking for the right builders, and try to be as confident as you can about logistical conditions before commencing your project.

You could also secure purchase a buy to demolish plot. That way, the building you replace with your own is similar in specifications, and your chances of securing planning permission will shoot up significantly. Keep an eye out for those opportunities.

Working with Architects is Recommended

You’re under no obligation to employ the services of an architect for your build project. However, their input can be crucial to the comfortable success of your London project, as they can help you with many different aspects of the development.

24Housing can talk you through the benefits of working with architects in London and recommend several reputable services for your consideration. They also explain what these professionals bring to your build project in detail. In addition to finding a builder for you, they can also prepare drawings, improve your chances of obtaining planning permission, keep tabs on costs, and generally oversee as much of the project management obligations as you need.

Moreover, the best architects in London can also help you oversee a more ethical construction project. For instance, they can ensure that your scheme satisfies the local authority’s requirement for biodiversity net gain considerations. They may recommend the incorporation of certain habitats, such as bird boxes, to counterbalance things. Remember, even urban environments have pockets of natural habitats.

Some people can get carried away when starting a building project and assume they can handle many responsibilities alone. It’s a great misconception; any good build is a meeting of minds and collaborative effort. If you’re building in London, consult London experts; they’ll ensure your project progresses as it should.

Consider Cost-Effective Compromises for Plots

Everything is more expensive in London. Build projects, and land procurement are no exceptions to that rule.

Try to secure your plot of land as cost-effectively as possible if money is tight. You do have options here, though they can vary in terms and limit what you can achieve. Keep that in mind as you proceed and explore areas where you might be willing to make compromises.

There are two affordable ways to secure a plot of land in London. You can try to look for uncontaminated brownfield sites, which are plots that have been developed in the past but are no longer in use and still have services attached. Alternatively, you could explore the potential of infill plots, which means homeowners sell parts of their gardens for typically smaller developments.

Once again, it’s a good idea to defer to expert opinions on these crucial matters. Architects can’t walk you through your options, but estate agents can. Online portals, land registries and auctions should also help you find affordable plots relatively quickly, subject to availability.

Choose a Safer Borough

London is beautiful, but like most cities, it has more dangerous areas. Try to avoid building in these areas.

Fortunately, information on the capital’s dangerous boroughs is freely available, with Westminster taking the lead for theft and violent crimes. Take your time when browsing this data and use it to make more informed decisions. It would help if you also cross-reference your findings with other resources to ensure you’ve chosen a safe area.

Visit your plot of land at different times of the day. Is the area well-lit at night, and is there still a warm and welcoming atmosphere? Does the area near your plot attract more unsavoury characters at night time? It’s worth double-checking the answers to these questions for extra assurances.

There can be other signs of a rundown area too. An excess of takeaway and betting shops sometimes indicates an area isn’t receiving a lot of exciting investment. Cities like London can be well-populated with these offerings, though. Consequently, if your building project is business-related, you may want to pick a lot in London nearer to an atmosphere of a thriving industry.


There’s a lot to think about when orchestrating a building project in London. That said, things can work in your favour if you adopt the correct measures ahead of time. If you time things right, utilise architect expertise, and choose budget-friendly plots and safe, thriving locations, you may make more progress here than you initially expected. Setbacks may occur in these largely unpredictable times, but if you stay positive and proactive, anything is possible.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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