5 Key Interior Design Trends to Look Out For in 2023

Your home is your haven, no matter how hectic it can be when the kids are on a school holiday! No matter what, it is your piece of paradise, a place you can switch off from outside stresses with nobody to get in the way of some R&R.

Home interiors can help promote a positive mental attitude and allow for your home to have incorporated a more personal touch that makes you feel not only, “At home” but happy too.

As we head into a new year perhaps you have been looking at how you can make this special space feel more like a part of you. We looked at 5 key interior design ideas that could see your home benefit you more than you thought.

Find 5 ideas for 2023 that you don’t want to miss below! Let’s dive in!

Interior Design Trends

Art deco designs

In 2023, industry experts are saying that the Art Deco style is going to be making waves. The days of simplistic minimalism are gone, to instead, be replaced by vibrant colours, geometric patterns and intricate details.

Art Deco takes us back to the past but is potentially the future of home interiors, a stunning living room with such vibrancy allows for talking points with friends, enjoyment of art and a calming influence as you get lost in the stories that may have inspired the classic design.

Let there be light

Natural light is known to be a great stimulant of the senses and in 2023, incorporating this into your home will be a trend many look to take advantage of. Big windows, reflective surfaces and shades of white will be what you should aim for the increase the impact.

Good for body and mind, it also allows you to showcase more of your home and aid you when it comes to cleaning! You won’t miss the dusty patches when they remain illuminated!

Embrace your curves

Of course, body positivity is a great thing, and everyone should feel comfortable in their appearance, here though we are talking about furniture! Curves will be big in 2023. We have already seen the boom in kitchen islands, big round rugs and curvy sofas but now we will start to see a lot more oblong and mushroom shapes being embraced. Utilise these for a standout living room.

Calming colours

When life gets too much, a little bit of tranquillity goes a long way and that is why 2023 will be the year of soothing colours like turquoise. You’ll be able to drift off to a beach on a Greek island from the comfort of your bed or sofa as the colours soothe you. If you have a home office or a room for meditation, consider embracing these tones there.

Trendy tiles

Now that we have Greece on the mind, (if you read tip 4, you’ll know!) now would be as good a time as any to highlight this 2023 interiors trend. Heritage tiles can help relive holiday memories with their Mediterranean style. Whether you go for hues of red or blue interspersed with dashes of white this look can make a kitchen look rustic and a bathroom look soothing.

That’s the 5 we have picked but ultimately there is a sixth one we really need to mention. Your floor! You may have spent a fortune on visually stunning furniture, painted the walls a relaxing shade or even altered the function of a room for better well-being. But a dirty or unkempt floor can mean all that effort has been wasted and instead your room resembles a half-finished effort that never has the effect you were hoping for. Luckily LVT flooring, also known as luxury vinyl tiles, allow for the perfect harmony between all elements of your interior design plans.

Full functionality makes LVT flooring work in any room type and the variety of design styles mean that all the 2023 trends can be hit with minimum effort. Try it out with your home interior projects today with a floor visualiser that shows you how your LVT floor will transform your room.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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