A guide to visiting Chernobyl

Chernobyl is one of the biggest and well-known tragedies of the past century, with most people familiar with the story and what occurred. While it has a devastating story on the impact it had on the people of the town, it also serves as a stark reminder of mistakes that were made in history and how we can ensure it doesn’t happen in the future. As with anything, when there is enough of a story, people will have their interest piqued.

Photo by Wendelin Jacober: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-wrecked-white-and-yellow-bump-cars-surrounded-with-trees-1411442/

According to statista.com, almost 73.1 thousand tourists visited Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in 2021, an increase following the drop due to the Covid pandemic the year before. 2019 say over 124.4 thousand visitors and this was largely due to the HBO miniseries about the disaster which highlighted what happened to a new and old audience. We have put together a few things you need to think about and prepare when looking to take trips to Chernobyl in the upcoming months.

Ensure you take a proper guided trip

If you are considering taking a trip to Chernobyl, you don’t want to do it on your own. This is because while the risks are much smaller now, there are still certain precautions that need to be taken. By booking trips to Chernobyl with an official guide, you will be kept safe and they will also know the best spots for you to go and see. This ensures you get the most out of your visit and also don’t put yourself at risk at any time either.

Dress sensibly

A trip to Chernobyl will involve a lot of walking so you want to dress practically for this. Ensure you wear shoes and clothes that will keep you as covered up as possible and that you don’t mind potentially having to throw away if they come into contact with radiation. There could be glass on the floor, particularly in the Exclusion Zone, so you want shoes that have a decent sole to avoid your feet getting cut. In winter, temperatures can fall to -15C so be sure to dress warm and always try and avoid clothing with too much metal such as poppers and zips.

Bring something to take photos with

When heading to Chernobyl you are going to want to take lots of photos. You could do this on your phone or tablet, but some people prefer to take a proper camera with them. Make sure whatever you choose, it has plenty of charge as you aren’t going to want it to die on you halfway through! It might be worth bringing a portable charger so you can power it up on the way. You’re allowed to take as many photos as you like, so be sure to take full advantage of this on your visit.

These are just a few top tips that should ensure you get the most out of your visit to Chernobyl. One of the most interesting places to head in Europe, you are guaranteed to learn a lot and come away with a new sense of gratitude for life.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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