How to Incorporate More Travel into Your Life 

While Covid cases are once again in Asia and Europe, the international travel landscape is continuing to boom as international borders reopen. This creates another opportunity for you to travel and see more of the world, and contribute to a global marketplace that was worth $354.2 billion in 2021. The market is also expected to grow above a CAGR of 14.8% through 2028, but what steps can you take to incorporate more travel into your life? Let’s find out! 

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1. Change Your Mindset About Travelling 

Even if you’re single and don’t have many financial commitments, you may need to challenge your mindset about travelling and begin to think about this as a more viable pastime. 

This can help you to create the time and money required to travel while ensuring that you operate within a predetermined financial budget and never spend outside of your means. 

Otherwise, you’ll constantly find excuses not to travel, and potentially miss out on some life-changing and affirming experiences. 

2. Watch for Cheap Plane Tickets 

If you do intend to travel more frequently, it’s also crucial that you look out for cheap and discounted plane tickets where possible. 

These may be made available at the last minute by selected airlines, while sites like Skyscanner serve as comparison sites where you can search for discounted flights and last-minute deals across the whole of the market. 

If you struggle to find deals or don’t immediately have the disposable income to book international flights, you may also want to consider going on weekend or road trips to destinations within the UK. 

In this case, it’s important to ensure the roadworthiness of your car and its performance before hitting the road, and investing in cheap tyres that are hardwearing is highly recommended.  

3. Get a Job That Allows for Travel 

If you have a full-time, 9-5 job it can be hard to find the time to travel within your annual holiday allowance.  

So, you may need to identify a job or work role that affords you flexibility, whether this is through freelancing or more flexible work directives that allow you to operate remotely and from anywhere in the world. 

By freelancing or contracting your services, you can also set your own working schedule and hours, enabling you to combine a viable salary and level of remuneration with more extensive travel across the globe. 

If you have no choice but to remain in full-time employment in the short-term, be sure to maximise your holidays and plan your trips far in advance. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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