Stepping It Up: Turning Your Fitness Passion Into A Profession

If you enjoy fitness training, building muscle mass, and losing excess weight, you have everything you need to become a personal trainer. You can turn your private passion into a profession by taking the skills, enthusiasm, and motivation into the marketplace and helping others achieve their goals. This is a great business to build at your own pace and in your own time. 

You can go from helping a couple of clients in the evenings around your working hours to dropping your day job and doing it full-time in just a few months. Here is a quick and simple guide to getting yourself going, and achieving financial goals while you smash your fitness goals. 

Fitness Passion Into A Profession

Get Qualified To Get Started

If you have a passion for physical fitness, your enthusiasm and motivation will be two of the key skills you need to become a professional personal trainer. You will need more than just the will to win, however. Gaining recognised qualifications in fitness will help open doors for you and create new opportunities to develop yourself and your new business. Certification makes you more legitimate in the eyes of prospective clients and gyms, even if you already have a lot of fitness knowledge and skills.

One of these personal trainer courses from The Fitness Group is the perfect way to start your journey to become a personal trainer. Not only do they provide all the technical information you need to gain an internationally recognised qualification, but they also offer continuing support after you are qualified that can help you build your business. In just a couple of months, their personal trainer course can put you on the path to financial freedom by running your own business while following one of your passions.

With a qualification in hand, you can begin to market yourself as a professional personal trainer rather than an experienced enthusiast. This certification can be the foundation of your new business and career that you can build upon, helping you to create a customer base as well as a reliable income.

Build A Profile Online And Locally

Without word of mouth, your new business will struggle to take off. You need to get your name or the name of your new business out there. Start small by advertising yourself online and in local gyms. Using social media apps is one of the best ways to build a small business of any kind, and health and fitness is one of the largest online communities. Follow other accounts and hashtags and start interacting with people to get things going.

Instagram and Facebook give you the opportunity to post videos showing how you train. Offer some free advice and tips, followed up with a small promotion of your services. When people like and share your content it becomes free advertising, you do not have to do anything. Make sure your profiles are up to date and link to your own website so people can find out more about you, your experience, and your rates. Building a website is easier than you may think, and having one will help to tempt more people into using your services.

When promoting yourself locally, make sure your advertisements look professional and are consistent with your online presence. Have a QR code on promotional posters and leaflets that will lead people to your website easily, and promote your social media profile on them too. 

Learn Some New Tricks

Developing your skill set will help you to grow your customer base and the number of services you offer. Your fitness journey may have been based around weight-lifting or cardio work, for example, but that might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Learning some new skills, especially supplemental ones like yoga, can help you attract more people to your business.

Nutrition advice is another simple supplementary skill that can help you to expand your business and offer more services to your clients. Diet and exercise go together, and pairing them appropriately is the key to consistent weight loss which will be the main aim of many of your customers. Build up your knowledge of nutrition and consider coming up with some meal plans for clients to follow. You will only have to do this once, and then you can offer the same plans to each customer.

Come up with some recovery plans too. After a hard workout, especially the day after, your clients may be feeling run down and suffering from sore muscles. Have plans in place that they can use to help them get going again and ease their pain. Consider using yoga, massage, or simple callisthenics exercises they can do on their own the day after a workout.

Market Yourself, Celebrate Your Successes

When you are working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor, you are your business. How you appear, how approachable you are, and the number of personal fitness successes you experience will all contribute to how potential customers perceive your business. Set yourself personal fitness goals and use them in your marketing. When you achieve something, it shows that you know how to get things done. Show how your personal fitness journey is continuing on your social media profiles.

The biggest marketing asset you have is yourself. You can set an example that others can follow, and people will invest in you and your abilities if you can demonstrate your own fitness successes. Put your fitness goals front and centre in your online marketing efforts. Keep people up to date using social media stories and posts. With every gain you make, you create an opportunity to gain a new client. Keep improving your fitness and share your success to market your new business.

Never Stop Pushing Forwards

Just like building muscles, building a business requires consistency and repetition. Never be disheartened if you are putting a lot of effort into promoting your services and your brand, but you are still struggling for clients. All it takes is one breakthrough, and the calls and enquiries will start rolling in. Stick at it, and you will see results, just like in fitness training. 

Remember there is a seasonal aspect to the industry too. People will often start taking their physical fitness more seriously at the start of the year, and then their interest will wane as the months roll on. Keep pushing yourself and get ready for an influx of new clients in January. That time of year is great for having a good value deal in place too. People will be more willing to commit to a long period of personal training when they weigh themselves after Christmas and make some New Year’s resolutions. 

Take a step forward every day. Keep promoting yourself and generating engaging and informative content for your social media profiles. In time, your consistent efforts will pay off. From just a few clients your will begin to build up your customer base as they become ambassadors for your business. Their fitness success is your business success, so always make sure you are investing in your clients.

If you are dedicated to your own physical fitness, becoming a personal trainer will be easy. Your dedication, motivation, and enthusiasm will help drive your business forwards, and one client will lead to the next. Begin your journey to financial independence through fitness today and become a qualified personal trainer.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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