Common home renovation hazards and how to avoid them

Home renovation projects can be exciting and fulfilling, but they also come with a range of potential hazards that can lead to injury or accidents. Taking steps to prevent these hazards is important to ensure a safe and successful renovation. Here are five common home renovation hazards and how to avoid them.

home renovation hazards

Dust and Debris

Dust and debris are common during home renovation projects, and they can cause respiratory problems and irritation. To avoid these hazards that can even become life-threatening (i.e. unexpected asbestos), it’s essential to wear protective gear such as dust masks, safety glasses, and gloves. These will help to protect your eyes, lungs, and skin from irritants and debris. If you need asbestos removal in Manchester, London, Liverpool – any town or city – you should take care to get a professional in who can remove it correctly.

Additionally, men’s work trousers are often overlooked. By wearing comfortable men work trousers, you can help prevent injuries from sharp debris. Being male or female doesn’t matter here, but the men’s clothing section in a store like Engelbert Strauss will have many choices with unisex appearance. Engelbert Strauss men’s work trousers are made from durable and thick fabrics such as cotton or denim, which offer protection against sharp objects like nails, screws, and other debris that can be lying around during renovations. Beyond men’s work trousers, you can also get similarly useful work jackets. On both, the pockets and elbows/knees are also reinforced for your protection.

Electrical Hazards

Electrical hazards are another common hazard during home renovations. Electrical accidents can be dangerous and even deadly. To avoid electrical hazards, make sure to turn off the power supply and test wires before starting work. If you’re unsure about what you’re doing, this is the number one area to simply seek professional help.

If you do decide to work with electrical equipment, always wear rubber-soled shoes and use dry hands. Avoid liquids being around at all times. Ensure that all wiring is up to code and that you have the proper permits before beginning any electrical work.


Falls are one of the leading causes of injury during home renovation projects, and in general. To prevent a nasty fall, make sure to use ladders and scaffolding properly and secure them in place. Always follow safety instructions when using these devices and ensure that they are in good condition. And, when in doubt, have a second person for stability.

Another tip is to wear sturdy footwear with a good grip to prevent slipping on wet or uneven surfaces. Use handrails whenever possible, and never stand on a chair, table, or other unstable surfaces.

Chemical Exposure

Chemicals such as paint, adhesives, and solvents can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even poisoning. Many people report waking up feeling sick during the night after painting their home. To prevent chemical exposure, make sure to wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a mask when using these substances. But most importantly, keep the windows and doors open for proper ventilation.


Construction work can generate high levels of noise, which can lead to hearing damage over time. It’s difficult to know at what level it becomes dangerous, so err on the side of caution. Wearing ear protection such as earmuffs or earplugs can help prevent hearing loss. Earplugs are inexpensive and can reduce noise levels by up to 30 decibels. Alternatively, earmuffs can reduce noise levels by up to 50 decibels.

Final word

Home renovation projects can be exciting, but they can also be hazardous. By taking precautions such as wearing protective gear and using equipment safely, you can minimize the risk of injury and ensure a successful renovation.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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