Top Tips For Making Your Home More Luxurious On A Budget

These days, we are constantly bombarded by images of glamorous celebrity homes, popping up on our Instagram feeds and splashed across the pages of glossy magazines.

It’s enough to bring on a serious gaze of the green monster – particularly if your own home is a little more ramshackle than a A-list mansion, with a lot more broken toys, grubby fingerprints, and stained towels to boot. The good news is, there’s no need to feel down about your dingy décor any longer. The truth is, there are plenty of things you can do on a budget to make your home look and feel more expensive, transforming your humble abode into a celebrity-style pad you can be proud of.

Intrigued? Read on to find out more and start creating your very own A-list crib today.

Luxury Kitchen Budget

Embrace Natural Materials

One of the simplest but most effective ways to make your house look more glamorous is to keep the amount of plastic and synthetic furnishings you use to a minimum. After all, nothing looks as cheap and tacky as plastic – and few things look more effortlessly stylish than gleaming wood, stone, silks or satins.

They don’t need to cost the earth either; you can find affordable options using second-hand sites, charity shops, antique stores and car boot sales. You can also ask family and friends if they are giving anything away that you could upcycle.

Find Affordable But Opulent Textiles

The fabrics and soft furnishings that you use around your home can make a significant difference to how luxurious it looks and feels. Everything from throws and cushion covers to sheets and bath towels can work together to help create a lavish ambience – not to mention feeling ultra-plush to the touch.

If you’re wondering where you can find particularly luxurious bath towels in the UK – as well as other stylish textiles – then you need look no further than The Towel Shop. From humble beginnings as a Bolton market stall, they have gone on to supply none other than Beyonce herself; and, as we all know, you can’t get much more glamorous than the Queen Bee.

Introduce The ‘Rule Of Three’

One of the pillars of 21st century interior design is the so-called ‘rule of three’. As you may guess from the name, this is when you place similar objects around the home in groupings of three. Supposedly, this configuration makes them instantly more aesthetically pleasing and interesting to look at.

You can apply this rule to everything from candles, artworks and ornaments to vases, cushions, and even your bedside table décor. You may be surprised at how simple but effective this decorating technique can be.

It’s The Little Things That Count

You don’t need to spend exorbitant sums on glittering chandeliers, marble countertops or a brand-new dining room suite to make your home look more chic. Sometimes, it’s the little things that can make all the difference, lending your abode a subtle patina of opulence that makes you feel instantly uplifted.

For instance, you may want to consider swapping out your taps and doorknobs for more elegant options. Golden tones seem to be particularly in vogue among some of our most stylish celebrities. Jennifer Aniston’s swanky bathtub comes complete with brass taps, while Emily Blunt and her husband John Krasinski, have decked out their bathroom with gleaming gold fixtures.

Add An Eye-Catching Trim

If your budget is really tight but you’re still eager to find a way to add some extra style to your home, why not try incorporating a stunning trim? Choosing a luxurious fabric with an alluring colour or design and using it to edge your cushions, headboard, curtains or upholstered chairs will instantly brighten up any room. Best of all, using sumptuous materials will add a subtle but profound touch of glamour, and they are sure to lift your spirits whenever your eye is caught by your trim, or when your hand brushes against its plush softness.

Affordable but gorgeous fabrics can be found online; you may have to do a little hunting, but it will be worth your while when you stumble upon a showstopping bargain.

Make Your Morning Cuppa Instantly More Luxurious

When you don’t have much money to splurge on styling up your home, it’s best to focus on the smaller elements that can be both affordable and stunning.

For instance, if you enjoy several cups of coffee or tea each day, why not channel your limited budget into purchasing an ornate china tea set or high-end coffee cups? They won’t break the bank but they will give you a glow of pride every time you enjoy your caffeine fix.

Similarly, if you enjoy a cocktail or a glass of wine in the evenings, investing in some exquisite pieces of glassware will make you feel a little more like an A-lister sipping champagne at a Hollywood party.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make your home more luxurious, even if your budget is tight. Making even a few minor changes can work wonders, perking up your interiors and boosting your mood into the bargain. Now that’s value for money!

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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