Securing Your Valuables when Working Away from Home

Working away from home is common these days, and like 4.8 million Brits, you may be a digital nomad. So, securing your valuables becomes necessary for preventing a home invasion.

valuables from home
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Store Your Expensive Stuff

One of the easiest ways to make sure your stuff doesn’t get stolen is to remove it from your home. Maybe a friend or family member can keep hold of some stuff for when you get back. This helps make you don’t give a burglar a reason to come into your home. You can also look into self storage. Storage yards are everywhere these days. And they usually come with excellent security and dedicated staff. Additionally, they offer different sizes for all budget types.

Get into Some Good Habits

A lot of burglaries happen because the owners don’t take steps to protect things. And you’ve probably overlooked home security yourself sometimes. For example, maybe you popped into a local store without losing all your windows and doors. Probably because you think you will only be out for five minutes. But that’s all it takes for an experienced burglar. Some of the things you can do include keeping valuables out of sight, storing car keys and setting the house alarm.

Think About Technology Securing Your Valuables 

Further to setting the house alarm, it’s easier than ever these days. With smart tech and your smartphone, you can get great alarms and security systems. For instance, you can install CCTV that you see at any time from anywhere. You can also get house alarms which you can arm and disarm with the touch of a button. And smart locks are excellent. Smart locks will let you know if someone is trying to open your doors or tamper with them. Plus, these are all cheap these days.

Cancel Regular Deliveries

You don’t want people to know when you aren’t home. This is because burglars will look for this. And one of the biggest tell-tale signs you aren’t there is a pile-up of mail and deliveries. So, if you like to read magazines, like 91% of other adults, cancel any subscriptions you have. This also includes recurring deliveries such as items from Amazon, like hygiene products, for example. These are also likely to be stolen from outside your home if they aren’t brought inside.

Ask Friends and Family to Check In

It might not be feasible to cancel deliveries if you aren’t away for too long. But it helps to play it safe. You can ask friends and family to make it look like your home is being lived in. This includes bringing your mail inside, opening and closing curtains, and parking their car on your driveway. These are small but very effective ways of deterring burglars. You can also pay them for their time at a fraction of the cost of replacing stolen items like your electronics and jewels.


Securing your valuables isn’t as hard as you think. Some of the easiest things you can do are store expensive stuff, install some smart tech and ask friends and family to check on your home.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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