Is It Worth Learning To Drive When Living In A Big City Like London? We Discuss

Many people wish to live in a big city. After all, it’s a place where you can find most employment opportunities, and it might all seem rather exciting.

All the big concerts, a variety of dining places and a large community of like-minded people are only some of the factors that might be pulling you into the city. You might even have hopes for a higher salary. But at the same time, it’s important that you don’t forget about higher expenses.

driving in London
Photo by Deeana Arts:

To make the most of your opportunities and experiences, you might often need to travel from one end of the city to another or even travel to different locations. Then, you might be grateful for the ability to drive and get to places quickly without having to spend too much time in a crowd.

In this article, we’ll help you understand all the pros and cons of learning to drive in a big city like London and explore alternative transportation options.

Pros Of Learning To Drive In London

When you live in a city, being able to drive might provide you with many benefits. By learning with a reputable driving school like driveJohnson’s, driving school in London,  you could see your quality of life in the city improve.  First of all, you become more flexible and independent. You don’t need to rely on public transport schedules or ask your friends and family for a lift. Instead, you can adjust your commute to your own schedule and make the most of your day. Simultaneously, you gain access to a broader scope of areas in and outside of London. There might be places where even public transport doesn’t reach. If you find a job outside of the city and need to commute daily, it might be easier for you to drive rather than spend hours in the morning rush.

You could even take advantage of carpooling and ridesharing opportunities. You might be able to bond with others and make your travels more sustainable, too. Finally, you could expand your job prospects. There might be roles that require you to have a driving license, and this could give you more freedom in your career options.

Downfalls Of Driving In The City

Even though having a car in London can bring you many benefits, it’s also bound to come with some downfalls. When you’re in a big city, you need to be aware of the heavy traffic, and you might often end up stranded on the way – especially during rush hours. Additionally, you need to consider the high expenses that come with owning a vehicle in such an area. You’ll need to pay for car insurance, MOT, car tax and sometimes even road charges. On top of that, it’s difficult to find a parking space in the city, and you might need to pay for it.

If you care about climate change, you should also think about the environmental impact your car and travel could have. Driving in the city could also be extremely stressful. You might need to deal with dense traffic, careless pedestrians, and many cyclists. To ensure that you make the right decision, you need to take all the pros and cons on board and compare what’s the most important for you.

Alternative Transport Options To Take Advantage Of

Before you take the step to learn how to drive, there’s one question you should ask yourself. Do you really need a car? Of course, it can be useful. However, you should consider the extensive public transportation network London and other big cities offer. You can get nearly anywhere by bus, train, or underground. And if you’re not going too far, you could even walk or cycle. This might help you to get more movement into your daily life and improve your physical and mental well-being.

Those who don’t need to travel by car too often might also meet their needs by using a taxi, car sharing or rental service. If you don’t have to use the vehicle on a regular basis, it could allow you to reduce your expenses and make your travels more peaceful.

Factors You Need To Consider

It might seem like you can make your decision rather easily once you know all the benefits, negatives, and alternative options. However, there are still a few more factors that you need to consider. For instance, you should focus on your personal circumstances and needs. Think if you really need to get the vehicle and if your situation requires it. You should also look at your budget and see what you can afford. Remember to count in any maintenance costs and other expenses that might come with owning the car.

Another factor you might want to think about is how often and why you need to travel. That might impact what kind of vehicle you buy and how much you can afford to spend. And to finish off the list of considerations, go through any future plans and lifestyle changes that might occur.

Make The Right Choice For You

As you can see, the decision whether you should learn to drive in a big city like London isn’t one that you should make lightly. Of course, there are many benefits, such as more independence and comfort. Depending on your profession, it could even help you to extend your career prospects. However, there are also some downfalls that shouldn’t be forgotten. Big cities are always busy, and you might get stranded in a traffic jam at the most inconvenient time and make your stress levels go through the roof.

Take your time to make the right choice. Consider your circumstances and research all the alternative transportation options you could enjoy in London. You could also double-check your decision by thinking of your future plan and setting a strict budget.

In the end, getting a car in London or another big city could improve your daily life. But you need to ensure that you’re making a decision that’s the best for your needs and circumstances.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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