How are cyber security solutions evolving?

As businesses and private individuals alike face an increasingly dynamic digital world, our need for effective cybersecurity solutions has never been higher. Cyber attacks are becoming more and more advanced, coming from the areas that we’d least expect.

Luckily, cyber security solutions are also constantly evolving, with cyber security experts such as the team at Mitigate Cyber using the latest tools at their disposal to come up with new systems. Below, we explore how cybersecurity solutions are evolving to remain effective at fighting against the latest threats as they emerge.

Cyber solutions
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While artificial intelligence (AI) is being used for a wide range of wonderfully creative functions, it is also likely going to lie at the heart of the future of cybersecurity. Both attackers and those looking to create advanced security systems will be able to use AI to create incredibly advanced systems that would be impossible to create using human labour alone.

From the security side of things, AI-powered algorithms will likely be able to detect suspicious patterns of behaviour, allowing the system to put up defences before the attack has even been carried out. As these systems are fed more and more data, they will only become more capable of preventing attacks.

User-centric approaches

Cybersecurity experts are increasingly coming to recognise that generic forms of defence simply aren’t effective at protecting against cyber attacks. To combat these deficiencies, solutions are becoming increasingly user-centric in their approach. 

The latest cybersecurity systems are able to cater to the specific risk profiles that individual users are faced with, creating specialised defence mechanisms. This results in each user being provided with a personalised approach to security, which will almost always be more effective than generic approaches.

Cloud security solutions

Cloud computing is taking over the digital world. We now tend to store our data on the cloud rather than on hard drives, and many of the systems that we use on a daily basis are run on the cloud rather than on our computers.

Cloud-based security solutions tend to be better than their counterparts for multiple reasons. They tend to be more scalable and flexible all around, meaning that your business is unlikely to outgrow a solution that you grow comfortable with.

Integrated approaches

Finally, the effectiveness of security solutions can become compromised when there are multiple different systems running concurrently. To mitigate the risk of something slipping through the cracks, it’s important to integrate the different systems that you or your business use into a single centralised control framework.

What these systems look like will depend on the scale of the business you’re running and the kinds of attacks you’re vulnerable to, and we’re likely going to see a range of innovative solutions arise over the coming years.

While these are a few of the areas in which we’re seeing rapid advances in cyber security, there are likely going to be innovations over the coming decades that we couldn’t even imagine at the current moment. The implications of cyber security attacks are severe for both individuals and businesses – to avoid these attacks, it’s necessary to stay in the loop when it comes to fresh security approaches.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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