How to Make Your Garden Feel Luxurious this Summer

Given that we sometimes only get a few weeks of good weather a year, it can be easy to forget all about your garden. However, when it’s nice enough to spend time outside, it’s important that your garden is a welcoming and comfortable space.

Whether you are hosting a garden party or simply relaxing outside by yourself with your favourite book, spending time in a luxurious garden can be a truly wonderful experience. Don’t assume that a luxurious garden involves a big financial investment, the truth is that you can give your garden a complete makeover on a relatively conservative budget. Let’s find out more.

garden luxurious

Photo by Robin Wersich on Unsplash

New Garden Furniture

If you want to spend time in your garden, you’re going to need somewhere to sit. While sitting on the grass can be fun, it’s not particularly comfortable, and if you’re getting on in years, you might find yourself struggling to back up again!

If you want a luxurious garden, some new furniture should be at the top of your list. You’ll need chairs first and foremost. Don’t opt for cheap plastic seats. Pick up wooden chairs with removable cushions if you want your garden to look its best.

A table is essential, too, particularly if you are going to be entertaining guests. This will be where they place their drinks or where you’ll display your spread if you’re hosting an al fresco banquet.

Pay a visit to to pick up your new garden furniture.

Cut the Grass

Sometimes achieving a sense of luxury is easier than you might expect. Rather than adding something new, trimming back what’s already, there can be an effective approach, and the most obvious place to start is the grass.

An overgrown lawn can look messy and chaotic. It’s a sign that you don’t care for your garden and is the last thing people expect to see in a luxurious garden. Keep on top of your lawn and maintain a consistent grass length with regular mowing.

Mow up and down in straight, slightly overlapping lines. This will create a pleasant, eye-catching visual effect that will make your lawn appear as neatly manicured as a bowling green.

Add Lights

One of the best things about summer is the long nights. It stays light well into the night, and even after the sun has gone down, the air remains warm, meaning we can spend our evenings outdoors, admiring the moon and the stars.

If you want to truly elevate your garden, adding some lights can be a fantastic decision. Doing so can allow you to see your garden in a whole new light (pun intended), and you’ll be amazed at the difference a few strategically placed outdoor lamps can make.

If you want to enjoy spending time in your garden at night, make sure you install some lights. Not only will these look great, but they’ll serve an important practical purpose and help you see where you’re going and what you’re doing.

Making your garden a luxurious space is easier than you think and can be cheaper too. Get some new garden furniture, keep on top of cutting the grass, and add some lights to create the perfect garden.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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