How To Make Your Home Quieter 

Do you want your home to be relaxing and comfortable? Do you want it to be a space you look forward to coming home to and that you’re proud to invite people to? If so, there are a number of things you can do to make your home just right, but one that you might not have thought of yet – and perhaps never would – is to make it quieter.

No matter where you live, your home is always going to have some noise going on in or around it, but the more you can do to reduce or perhaps even entirely eliminate that noise, the better. Read on for some useful tips. 

Cambridge Travel Guide
Kettle’s Yard is an art gallery and house in Cambridge

Seal Gaps And Openings 

If you want your home to be quieter, something that will definitely help and that can be an excellent place to start is to seal any gaps and openings you might have in your property. Look around your windows and doors – and any other openings – to see if there’s a gap. In some cases, you might not be able to physically see the issue, but you’ll be able to feel a big draft, and that will definitely give you a clue as to the problem.

If there is a gap, you should seal it using weatherstripping, caulking, or draft excluders. Not only will this make your home more comfortable in terms of temperature (and perhaps more secure too), but it’s a great way to stop the noise from outside seeping in along with the fresh air. 

Buy Custom Blinds 

One effective solution to a noisy home is to buy some custom blinds and install them at your windows. Blinds made to measure will fit your windows perfectly, and that snug fit means there will be fewer gaps where sound can come in and disturb you. You can even choose to have your blinds made with extra lining to make them even more soundproof. 

Think carefully about the blinds you want, as they can really enhance a room’s decor as well as helping to keep your home quiet, so although the noise-minimising properties are the ones you’ll be starting off thinking about, choosing the right design that works with your decor is just as important. 

Rugs And Carpets

Rugs and carpets can help to absorb sound and reduce noise transmission between floors, and placing your rugs strategically in high-traffic areas or rooms with hard flooring can make a real difference in the sound levels in your home – you’ll notice it right away. 

The same idea can apply to soft furnishings too, so adding cushions, throws, and other decorative materials (perhaps interesting wall hangings, for example) can help to make your home quieter because, again, they’ll just absorb the sound before it can make too much of a nuisance of itself. 

White Noise Machines 

The idea of adding noise when you’re meant to be reducing noise might seem strange, but it can work really well when that added noise is a white noise machine. These machines can mask other unwanted noises by creating a constant background sound, and they’re ideal in bedrooms or offices where you need to focus or relax

If you can’t get a white noise machine, a fan is a great alternative, although bear in mind that this will also make the room cooler, so it might not be ideal in the winter, for example.  

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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