Boilers are one of the most common appliances in the modern day and age. Every house that has hot water tends to have one – in other words, pretty much every single house in the country. While they’re common, boilers aren’t entirely risk-free because, after all, they do have small fires inside them. There’s a lot you can do to help prevent accidents from occurring, including these tips we go through briefly below.

Photo by Skylar Kang:
While they don’t need much attention, as with anything that sees daily usage, boilers do require regular maintenance. One of the most effective ways to prevent accidents is to schedule regular maintenance services with a company such as Able Plumbing. With most boilers, you should aim to book services around once a year, although some older boilers may need more regular servicing. If you’re unsure, your plumber should be able to advise you further on what kind of maintenance your boiler requires.
Instal alarms
The single most dangerous thing that can go wrong with a boiler is if it starts to emit carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a completely odourless gas that can kill if it builds up to high enough quantities in a home. As a result, it’s imperative that you install carbon monoxide detectors throughout your house, so that you can be alerted the second the deadly gas starts to build up in your home.
Upgrade your boiler
While boilers have a long life (up to around 15 years) eventually they’ll need replacing. If you’re unsure as to whether your boiler is unsafe, it’s best to ask your plumber what they think. As boilers get older, they’re more prone to issues – while the majority of those issues won’t be particularly dangerous, they can be expensive.
This is definitely something to consider when deciding if you can afford to upgrade. While a new boiler can be expensive, you’ll save money both from increases in efficiency and from a decreased number of operational issues and their associated repair costs.
Get it inspected
If you’ve just moved into a new house, and you’re unsure as to whether your boiler is installed properly, it’s important that you get it inspected. Boilers need to be installed to code, to ensure that there are no dangerous gas leaks or other associated issues. When looking for a plumber to inspect your boiler, make sure to check that they’re on the Gas Safe Register. This is the national register that all certified plumbers need to be listed on, and it’s a quick and easy way of ensuring that you get someone who’s qualified and experienced.
If you take one tip away from this article, it’s to follow the advice of a trusted boiler technician. If you have any suspicions about the safety of your boiler, get a qualified plumber around to take a look at it and give it a thorough inspection. By following their suggestions, and installing a series of carbon monoxide detectors in key locations, you can minimise the risks associated with any boiler-related accidents that might occur.