4 Easy Ways To Update Your Kitchen

Updating your kitchen needn’t be hard or expensive. While a complete kitchen overhaul and renovation can add value to your home, sometimes it doesn’t need ripping out and all new appliances and cabinetry added; all it needs is a bit of a makeover and facelift to be as good as new again.

So, how can you refresh your kitchen without the expense of a remodel?

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New Cabinet Doors

If there is nothing wrong with your cabinetry or just the doors are looking a bit tired and past their best, then don’t go replacing the whole unit. Simply give them a new look with a fresh coat of paint, by covering them with vinyl wrap, or look at new Kitchen and Bedroom Replacement Doors for an instant contemporary feel to your kitchen. These options can be more cost-effective than pulling everything out and starting again and can have exactly the same impact.

New Countertop

Giving your countertop a new lease of life can be done in a few different ways. Your countertops are put under a lot of pressure with daily use, and understandably, they will start to look less than vibrant after a few years, no matter how careful you are. So whether they’re looking a bit old and worn or you simply have fallen out of love with your previous choice of surface, replacing it can be exactly what you need. From finding the correct countertop paint to give your counters an easy uplift to covering them in a vinyl wrap or replacing them altogether, it’s entirely up to you and your budget. And, depending on which option you choose, plus two out of three of these options can be done yourself quickly without having to call in contractors unless, of course, you wish to.


If it’s not aesthetics that are impacting your enjoyment of your kitchen, then it might be time to do something about everything in it. Do you still have that blender that’s been sitting on the countertop untouched for the past six months? If you’re not going to use it again, get it listed on Vinted and make some money from it. If you have piles of “stuff” lying around, find them a home and remove them so you can breathe easier when you go into the kitchen. If you don’t need the 500 mugs you’ve somehow accumulated, get them sold or donated to charity and use the space they’re taking up for something else. Declutter, organize the kitchen and get it back to a space you enjoy without actually spending any money. 

Add a Backsplash

A backsplash is a perfect accompaniment behind your sink or cooker. It basically stops your wall from getting damaged from food or water splashes and gives you an eye-catching focal point in the room. You can choose a style and size that fits your kitchen’s theme, and it can be as understated or bold as you wish, but if you want it to really liven things up, a backsplash is a great way to do so.

There you go, four easy ways to breathe life back into your kitchen without ripping it out and starting again. Get creative, make cost-effective changes and see how impactful it can be.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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