How to prepare for a winter sun holiday

It’s that time of year again…. as the temperature plummets and the days become shorter, it can be tempting to get away from it all. Regular exposure to sunlight is known to boost wellbeing and mental health, while bleak and dreary winter weather can wreak havoc on our mood. If you’re thinking of escaping the cold United Kingdom to bask in a warmer climate during the snowy season, this could be the perfect time to arrange a winter sun holiday – but what steps do you need to take to prepare for your winter break in the sun? 

prepare for a winter sun holiday

Research your location

Preparing for a winter sun holiday can be challenging, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the culture, customs and language of your chosen destination. Whether you’re visiting ex-pat friends and family, taking a trip to your country of birth or travelling somewhere for the first time, you’ll need to do some thorough research to inform your planning. Remember that many idyllic holiday destinations operate seasonally – double-check that your desired holiday spot will be taking bookings and that the local businesses will be open when you’re planning to visit.Try to create a loose itinerary of places that you’d like to visit and consider booking these ahead of time.

Make transportation arrangements

In order to avoid typical wintertime traffic chaos and ensure that your journey goes smoothly, it’s best to make the necessary travel arrangements well in advance, whether that be booking train tickets to ensure you make your connection on time or sorting out a taxi to pick you up once you’ve arrived at the other end. Tickets booked well in advance are usually much cheaper than those purchased closer to the departure day, so arrange these ahead of time to make savings and avoid a stressful journey.

Get the necessary paperwork

Depending on which country you’re planning to visit, you may need to protect yourself with vaccinations from a medical professional. At least six weeks before you set off, seek advice from your GP, pharmacist or travel clinic regarding any possible vaccinations, boosters or medication you’ll have to receive in order to travel safely. Ensure that you’ve acquired all of the necessary paperwork to travel to your chosen country before setting off (such as visas and passports) and that you’ve purchased comprehensive travel medical insurance – many countries don’t offer free healthcare, so you’ll need to cover yourself to stay safe. When getting a visa, look for a leading Visa & Travel Agency such as who offer professional advice prior to travel. They also offer exclusive rates on package holidays and tailor-made tours worldwide.

Make a packing checklist

Packing can be stressful at the best of times, but when you’re planning a winter sun holiday abroad, the contents of your suitcase can make or break your trip. Create a packing checklist including all of the essentials (toiletries, suncream, prescriptions etc.) and ensure that these are packed first along with your passport and travel tickets. Once you’ve sorted all of your belongings, you’re ready for some fun in the sun!

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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