Your House Needs To Feel Like Your Home

Your house needs to feel like your home. This is the place that you are supposed to feel safe, this is the place where you are supposed to feel happy. If this is not what you feel when you walk through your front door, then we want you to ask why this is. What is causing that to be the case and how can you fix it? Working on things is necessary when they aren’t quite right, rather than just giving up and accepting things how they are at the moment. You never know how much of a difference you can make if you don’t try, and you deserve to try for the sake of you and your family.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you should be doing to create a house that feels like a home for you. Keep reading if you are interested in learning more about this topic.

Flooring You Love

Let’s start with flooring. Flooring is important for more reasons than you think. Yes, the flooring of your home contributes massively to how the house on the whole looks, and that’s super important because you need to be happy with this. However, choosing flooring has more to it than the appeal it has to the eye. For example, you need to think about what flooring is going to work best for you based on the needs of your home. If you have little ones for example, then perhaps carpet in the main areas such as the living room would be a good idea so that when they are learning to walk there have somewhere soft to land.

Having said that though, carpet can be a nightmare to clean, and can often leave behind an awful wet dog smell when you do as it dries. At these times, you will find yourself wishing that you had hard floors as they are easier to clean and they don’t smell when they get wet.

Choosing flooring can be a pain in the behind, but remember that you don’t have to have the same flooring for every room if you don’t want to. You can choose different options based on the various needs of that room. If you are struggling, you can always find inspo online or you can speak to an expert.

Colour For The Walls

Okay, next up we’re going to be looking at the colour of the walls! Some people might say that this is not a big deal, but we’re not one of them. The colour that you choose is going to have a lot of impact on the way that the house feels, but that is what a lot of people forget. For example, if you leave them white or go for an off shade of white, then your home is likely going to feel empty, sterile, and generally not like a home. Now, we’re not saying that this is the case for all of the homes like this, but for a lot of them it is.

You need to be thinking carefully about what colour you love, and what ones you want to bring life back into your home. Don’t worry about what anyone outside of your house would have to say about the colour choices, because you are the one who has to live with them, and they are supposed to make you feel at home, not them.

A Cosy Bedroom

The bedroom! When it comes to thinking about your bedroom, you need to ensure that you are creating a cosy space where you don’t struggle to sleep because it’s just too good in there. Think about the different storage options to make the most of the space that you have got without crowding up all of the available spaces, think about investing in black out blinds so that you get a good sleep, and investing in a high-quality mattress.

Design the space the way that you want it, giving yourself this one room to be different from the others if you have decided to go for a theme. Sometimes even though we like everything else in the house to be uniform, the bedrooms are different. They are personal, and it’s okay to want to make this a little different to the rest of the home.

Take your time designing your bedroom. Think about all of the little details like a dresser with a mirror for you to get ready at, or what pictures you’re going to hang from the wall. Every detail matters when it comes to allowing you to get a good night of rest, so keep that in mind.

Kitchen Upgrades

If we head on into the kitchen, you will immediately know if there are things that you want to change. Remember that the kitchen is called the heart of the home for a reason, and it’s essential that you like spending time in here if you’re going to feel at home in your house. Now, some people will want to entirely rip out the kitchen that they have and replace it with a new one. While this is great in theory, it costs a lot of money and not everyone can afford that, so some simple changes that make a huge impact will have to do.

Change up the cupboard fronts, change the countertops, change the flooring, and change the layout of the kitchen. They might seem like super basic things, but we can promise you that by the time you have finished making all of these changes it’s going to look like a completely different space. You can get a new coffee grinder or whatever appliances you want for the space, as long as they make you happy. Some people will prefer to put their appliances away between uses so that there is no clutter, where others don’t mind having them out all of the time.  It’s up to you!

Personal Items

You also need to ensure that there are personal items around the space that remind you who lives there, and that give you comfort. For example, you might want to have family photos hanging on the walls, or you may want to have pieces of art that you love around. Maybe things that the kids have made or achieved like trophies or medals can be displayed somewhere to remind them how proud you are of them.

Personal items are good if you are trying to create a homey, calm atmosphere. Some people advise against it, but these people are usually going for a more minimal look which is not often associated with homey vibes. Don’t worry about cluttering up space with things that make you happy, as there are always ways to make more space when needed.

Enough Space For Everyone

Speaking of space, does everyone have enough room? The last thing that anyone needs is to constantly feel as though they are on top of others, or as though others are on top of them. If you don’t think that there is enough space at the moment, then you can look at making some changes to your house. If you have the space, potentially you can look into getting an extension built either on the side or the back, depending on where the space is. Or, you can look at converting the attic or basement depending on which one you have.

Ensuring that there is enough space for everyone in the home is going to be one of the most important things that you do. How are you supposed to feel at home if you are constantly cramped and feeling like you’re packed into the property like cattle? You can’t, and that’s why you need to be considering space regularly.

Clean And Clutter Free

The final thing that we’re going to mention is having a clean and clutter free space. By clutter, we mean things that are pointless, useless, and have no value to your home, sentimental or otherwise. Keeping your house clean is a fantastic way to ensure that it does feel like your home, otherwise it can quite quickly feel as though you’re just staying in this place without it actually being yours. That’s not the goal we’re going for here.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you should be doing to ensure that your house feels like your home sooner rather than later. We understand that it’s not always an easy task to achieve, but it’s something that you are going to have to work on for your own sake. A lot of people think that this feeling will just appear, but it won’t, you have to work for it. Put the effort into your home, and you will feel all the better for it, we promise. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to feel like you’re in the comfort of your own home soon, rather than just feeling like you’re inside any old four walls.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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