Why Put London on the Top of Your Travel Bucket List

London’s reputation comes before it every single time. When people mention London, it immediately evokes images of the past, of amazing architecture, and of the River Thames that winds through the middle, even though it’s the dirtiest river ever. There is plenty to do in London, and whether you have ever visited before or not, it should be somewhere on your bucket list and somewhere you should want to go. 

It’s a place where people can come together, where you can explore the past and you can enjoy the future. And some of the best VR experiences London has to offer. Whether you’re headed to the London Dungeons or to the Globe Theatre, there is plenty for you and your family to see. So let’s take a look at why you should put London at the top of your bucket list.

  • The iconic landmarks. London’s status for centuries as the Heart of England and the heart of the British Empire has meant that there have been amazing landmarks built in this city. There is an assortment of sites that can make some visitors feel quite overwhelmed, especially because London is a crowded city, which means all of the landmarks are on top of each other. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though, when you consider that most of these London tourist attractions are walkable. Westminster Abbey, which is home to the royal weddings and coronations, is just as walkable to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament as it is to Buckingham Palace. As long as you have a decent pair of walking shoes, you’re going to be able to spend all day on your feet going from place to place, and you will enjoy it.
  • The shopping is amazing. If you’ve ever been to New York, then you can understand that the London shopping scene rivals New Yorks. It attracts people from all around the world, and not just because of the sheer quantity of shops available either. It’s some of the traditional markets that boutique stores and the markets that have been standing for centuries.Heading to Harrods or Selfridges is just something that should be on your bucket list as much as going down to Portobello Market should be. Camden Market on a Saturday morning is another place you should take off your list.
  • The Tower of London. You can explore the bloody history of London at the London Dungeons, but the Tower of London itself still stands with Traitors Gate and the crossing with the boats from the Thames. Those who were punished by the kings and Queens of the past and sentenced to brutal deaths were sent to the Tower of London. They made their way there by boat under the traitors gate and they were taken to their cells. It’s from here they may have been tortured or they may have had to wait and listen to other people be torture while they wait for their turn.

London should be on your bucket list for so many reasons, but these are just a few. 

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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