How artificial intelligence influences road safety

From using your face to unlock your phone to self-checkout machines, there are many ways that artificial intelligence is used in our daily lives. One of the main ways it affects our day-to-day movements is how it influences road safety. Improved infrastructure and driving aids are helping to reduce risks for road users, and the future of self-driving vehicles is inching ever closer.

Discover the top five ways that artificial intelligence is making UK roads safer.

Traffic management

The introduction of smart traffic lights is an example of artificial intelligence in traffic management.

Fitted with an array of sensors and connected to an online database which auto-analyses results, smart traffic lights can detect the volume of traffic and adjust timings to optimise the flow. Some smart traffic lights are also aware of pavement footfall, helping to ensure pedestrian safety.

Camera monitoring

We’re no strangers to the concept of CCTV, but many are unaware of the AI advancements that have transformed the capabilities of camera monitoring. New technology enables the cameras to see the full picture inside cars to better detect speeding and the use of seatbelts and mobile phones.

According to a survey conducted by Big Motoring World which has used car dealerships in Leeds, London and beyond, UK motorists are divided on the use of 4D AI cameras. Some see this as an invasion of privacy but over a quarter believe that it will influence their driving style for the better.

In-vehicle alerts

It’s not only road infrastructure that is benefitting from the latest technology. Vehicles are being designed with AI upgrades to help drivers travel more safely.

A common example of this is the automatic sensors that indicate your proximity to other vehicles during parking manoeuvres and alert you to dangerous drifting during motorway driving. You can also use a voice-controlled personal assistant to play music, adjust the temperature, open windows and more, leaving you free to keep your hands on the wheel.

Real-time route aids

Long gone are the days of using physical maps to plot your journey from A to B. We can use an app like Google Maps for real-time traffic information and instant directions for the fastest route.

These route aids are powered by artificial intelligence. Based on information from sensors and smartphones, the map apps have an understanding of current traffic levels, can recommend efficient routes and alternative journeys, and will adjust according to reports of roadworks and accidents.

Self-driving vehicles

One of the latest developments in road-related AI technology is the introduction of self-driving vehicles aimed at revolutionising road safety.

Self-driving vehicles could be rolled out across the UK as soon as 25 thanks to new plans and hefty investment from the government. These vehicles use sensors to respond to situations as a person would, such as braking when approaching a queue and slowing down when behind a cyclist.

Many remain concerned about safety, and thorough tests are in the pipeline to see how self-driving vehicles interact with other road users and in poor weather conditions. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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