Making Your Investment Fashion Last Forever

When you invest in fashion, you buy high quality designer or vintage pieces that’ll only grow in value over time. These pieces are made to be worn for years to come, and the designer’s name on the label will mean they’ll always be impressive. Yet, the more you wear clothes and accessories like these, and the less you take care of them, the shorter their lifespans will be. If you use tips like these, however, your pieces have a chance to last forever. 

Always Read the Label

The label will tell you how to care for your clothes in terms of how to wash and dry. Make sure you pay attention to these when the time comes to do laundry. You don’t want to accidentally put a ‘cold wash only’ piece in on a 40 degree cycle! And if the label says the piece can only be hand washed and/or dry cleaned, don’t chance it. Follow the instructions and the garment will live to see another day!

Store Somewhere Cool and Dark

Often known as ‘climate control’, most fashion pieces need to be stored in a cool and dark place, away from extreme heat and direct sunlight. A leather handbag, for example, would need to be kept safely behind wardrobe doors when not in use; even a durable material like leather can take a beating from exposure! Thankfully, when something is dark, it’s more likely to be cool, so don’t sweat the temperature too much. Just keep the doors closed as much as you can. 

Wash Gently

Even when you’re told specific washing instructions, be sure to carry them out gently. You don’t want to use too harsh a detergent on the fabric or end up scrubbing it too hard and going straight through to the other side. 

Make sure you dab the soap on before putting it in for the wash, and if you’re trying to get a particularly tricky stain out, leave the affected area to soak for a little while. The more gentle you are, the better the fabric is going to fare. This way you’re far less likely to wash the colour from it as well! 

Mind Where You Wear Your Pieces

If you’re heading out for an Italian lunch, maybe don’t wear that sheer white blouse you got from Chanel. Whilst you’re an adult who’s capable of holding their fork, you don’t want to risk getting a bolognese sauce stain! The same goes for any trousers or skirts that come from high fashion houses, if you’re headed off hiking through the woods or spending time on a boat. Try to limit the exposure of harsh elements and your pieces will last a lot longer. 

Investment fashion can last a very long time and make you a lot of money. However, you’ll only be able to reap the rewards if you care for the items in the right ways. Use tips and tricks like these to your advantage in your wardrobe. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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