How to Effortlessly Renovate and Furnish Your First Home

There’s not much that is as exciting as owning your own home, but you might feel a bit overwhelmed by all there is to do. Here is how to effortlessly renovate and furnish your first home…

Owning a home is one of the most outstanding achievements every person hopes to achieve soon after landing a job. It’s a satisfying and joyful experience to finally accomplish this milestone. Afterwards, you’ll have to decide whether you want to move in then gradually personalise the house or do it before. As you will realise, the new home needs a lot of modifications and additions for it to meet your family needs and at the same time suit your style and preferences. 

How to Effortlessly Renovate and Furnish Your First Home

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Probably, it’s a bigger space than where you’ve been living which means you’ll add more furniture or remodel the home to accommodate more family-friendly indoor activities. As you do this, here are tips to make the transition more manageable

Don’t Feel Pressured to Buy Everything Immediately

You might want to buy new sofas, beds, kitchen appliances and other necessities, which can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it all at once. Instead, write down all your new house needs, then start with the most important or what you can currently afford. For instance, new beds may be more important than a new home theatre.  

Also, try to get the best deals for the purchases. When buying sofas, check where you can pay weekly sofas on finance. You’ll not feel the pressure when paying for the furniture in instalments. It also frees up your money to take care of other essential purchases.

Take Note of What You Already Have 

Even before making the purchases or a list of what you need, note down what you already have or what you’ll want to keep when moving. Some things you may have to get rid of, such as old and worn-out sofas, beds, mattresses and tables, but you may have a few items you’ll want to keep. Take inventory of these and decide where to place them. It would be better to first work with what you have then upgrade gradually.

For instance, if you have smaller beds but want to upgrade to bigger ones because you have more space, you can move in then slowly replace them. The same goes for furniture and kitchen appliances. 

Start with the Basics

You would want to take care of a few adjustments before moving in and then take care of the rest gradually. For instance, it’s better to paint the walls, take care of the flooring and essential fixtures such as lighting and kitchen cabinets before moving in. 

Painting the house when your family has already moved in can be a health hazard. It’s also harder to effectively take care of renovations when the place is packed with belongings. Paint and tiles need adequate time to dry and settle, but when you have kids and other family members around, they may interfere with the process leaving you with unsatisfactory results. 

As you will realise, the bedrooms, kitchen, and living area are vital spaces you need to consider before renovating or furnishing other areas. Start with the kitchen, then the bedroom and finish with the living room. Renovate or remodel the back and front yard gradually as you settle in.

You Don’t Have to Buy Everything New

You don’t have to go for everything new or buy in cash but opt for antiques and used items such as tables, chairs and storage units. As long as they are in good shape, fit well with your current theme and are affordable, go for them. You’ll save a considerable amount of money needed to make other purchases such as kitchen appliances. 

If you intend to make secondhand purchases, give the exercise enough time. It’s harder to locate quality and suitable used pieces than it is buying new ones. You might have to check different stores, antiques and attend garage sales to spot what you want.

Make the Purchase with the Future in Mind

As you renovate and make the purchases, think about your needs, preferences and how your life will have changed in the next five to ten years. If you’ll yet to have kids, think about them when making the purchases. 

How many kids and family members do you intend to have in the home? What would you like to have in their rooms? Is the furniture, décor and other house features kids friendly? You don’t want to invest in slippery tiles or a swimming pool that doesn’t have safety features. Also, keep in mind that many investments need regular maintenance. For example, you need to regularly check the pH-level of your swimming pool and keep it steady with the right chemicals

Before starting the project, decide how you want your new living space to look. Involve all concerned family members in the decision making and, if possible, consult an interior designer. You can also check photos, friends’ homes, and interior design works for inspiration. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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