4 Beginner Tips For Using Skincare Products 

If you’re new to skincare, then there’s a lot to learn about what works best for you and how to properly take care of your skin. If there’s a place where people tend to slip up, it’s when choosing and using the right products. It can be a complicated process to get your skincare routine right, but it can also be very rewarding, and you’ll feel much better as a result of it. You should know, though, that there might be some trial and error when it comes to finding the right products for you.

skincare tips
Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-girl-morning-reflection-4046314/

Knowing when to use them

First things first, if you’ve already got some skincare products but you don’t feel like they’re working as they should, you should make sure you’re using them at the right time. Some products are going to have better results when used to start your day – as they provide the necessary protection for your skin, whereas some are much better at night. 

With that said, some products, such as moisturizers are actually better to use both in the morning and before you go to bed. Moisturizing is important, and while it doesn’t apply to all of your products – it’s a good idea to apply it twice per day.

Not using too many

You should know that a lot of your skincare products will have ingredients that soften your skin and potentially make it more vulnerable. While this is healthy for your skin, using too many can put your skin at risk of damage. You might find that using too many products can lead to breakouts, which is why it’s generally better to limit your products.

While you might think that you’re gaining all of the health benefits that the products are promising, there are a lot of acids within the ingredients, and too many are going to harm your skin when it is most sensitive.

Choosing based on your skin type

It’s not always as simple as using someone else’s skincare routine, as everyone has a different type of skin. Some people have oily skin, some people have dry skin, and trying to use products for oily skin – on dry skin, can do more harm than good. It’s better to make sure you know what your skin needs before you go following anyone else’s skincare advice. 

Of course, some products can offer benefits to both skin types, like this HEMPE SOS Skin Balm, but it will depend on the product and the benefit that you’re looking to gain from it.

Always read the label

Some products are going to have negative effects on your skin, and this will be due to how your skin responds to certain ingredients. For example, a cleanser that you use might be irritating, it might clog your pores, or otherwise. Reading the labels of the products that you use can help you pinpoint what your skin does and doesn’t react well to. Using this, you can have a much easier time finding skincare products that aren’t going to harm your skin.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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