7 Thoughtful Gifts New Homeowners Will Actually Want
Moving into a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming. New homeowners will often be busy unpacking, decorating, and making the house their...
4 Renovations That Will Instantly Increase Your Property Value
What are the best renovations to do for your property? Renovations that will instantly increase your property value without spending too much money. Of...
How Home Improvements Could Increase Your Property’s Value
To renovate or not to renovate? That is the question many homeowners ask themselves when they decide to put their house on the market.Renovating...
Different ways we can support local businesses coming out of lockdown
Small businesses such as bookshops, boutique fashion stores, independent grocers and jewellers, all play an important role within our high street. Not only do...
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A look at why the UK housing market is slowing
Despite the largest recession for three centuries, the UK housing market has, remarkably, continued to thrive. The huge economic uncertainty created by the pandemic...