Summer Self-Care Checklist for College Students

Summer is a time that many of us look forward to. The weather is better, the days longer, and we can spend more time with our family and friends. Our social calendars will be full. And any accounting homework for the summer!

While the summer break is a well-deserved break for many university students, it can also be a time when loneliness, stress and anxiety are at their highest.

It is easy to let your mental health suffer during the summer holidays due to the constant pressure to keep busy and have fun.

With our Summer Self-Care Checklist, you can support your mental, emotional and physical well-being and become your best possible self!

Self Care

1. Enjoy the Outdoors

Spending time outdoors is a great way to stay healthy this summer. It may sound cliché, but it’s true.

When you aren’t in a routine or don’t want to socialise much, it’s easy to hide away in your room. But sunlight and blue skies can lift our spirits.

Spend some time in the garden or at your local park. This will lift your mood and increase your vitamin D intake.

Enjoy the sunshine and enjoy a Netflix marathon or a good book.

Remember to use bug spray and SPF when you spend more time outdoors!

2. Get enough sleep

You may find it difficult to sleep well during the summer due to the heat, but you should still try to sleep well every night.

Sleeping between 7-9 hours per night is recommended for young people. This has many benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress, increasing energy, and lowering depression risk.

Better sleep equals a happier mood. So, you should maintain a healthy sleep pattern in the summer.

To improve your sleep hygiene, you can try switching off all your electronic devices before going to bed, making sure your room is quiet, dark and comfortable (buy a fan!). Try to exercise regularly.

3. Try a New Hobby

Take up a new activity to boost your mental health.

You have so much time on your hands during the break from university. It’s a great time to try something new. It will keep you occupied and make you more relaxed.

You can have a fulfilling summer by learning a musical instrument, taking up a sport, getting into scrapbooking or photography, picking up new books, or even learning a language.

It may take some trial and error before you find a hobby that you enjoy. But try to be creative and find something fun to do!

4. Make A Summer Playlist

You should include a summer playlist in your self-care checklist. This will help you to create the good vibes you need.

Music can be used to reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure and boost mental alertness and exercise performance.

Create a playlist of all your favourite tunes as the soundtrack to your summer.

You can even add your friends to the mix by using Spotify.

You can create a playlist of podcasts that will motivate you and make you feel good. This can be used to start your day or to listen on the go.

5. Get Moving

Staying active is good for both your mental and physical health. Make exercise a priority this summer.

Endorphins are known to help calm the mind, improve moods and sleep patterns, among other benefits.

It’s not easy to get motivated when the weather is a bit chilly.

There are many ways to get active this summer.

You can choose to exercise however you like. You can go for walks, try yoga, take up running or dancing.

Exercise can be beneficial for you even if it is only 30 minutes per day. So, add this to your summer self-care checklist!

6. Relax and Enjoy Yourself

It’s important to take some time out to recharge your social batteries.

While you may want to maximize your time away from school, don’t forget to relax.

While it’s great to have your calendar full of family and friends, don’t forget that you need to take time for yourself.

You deserve some rest after a long academic year.

Don’t worry if you don’t do anything every day during the holidays. Sometimes ‘lazy’ days are necessary!

7. Earn Some Extra Income

We suggest that you apply for summer jobs if your finances aren’t good or if you have trouble adjusting to the lack of routine over the summer.

You can find seasonal jobs in many different places, from tutoring at summer camps and festivals to babysitting.

You can still make the most out of your summer by finding part-time work.

Summer jobs are a great opportunity to earn extra money, but you will also be able to get out of the house. You’ll gain valuable work experience that you can add to your CV.

It’s a win for everyone if you are busy with your work. You’ll spend less time scrolling through your phone and experience less FOMO.

8. Clean Your Home This Summer

You should do a spring clean, whether you are staying in your accommodation for students or returning to your home.

Spend some of your time at home cleaning, organizing and tidiness, because they say that a clean space is a healthy mind.

Spend a few minutes each day cleaning up and removing clutter. This will improve your mood and increase your productivity.

Unpacking your bags and creating a comfortable space early can make a huge difference in your mental health.

9. Maintain A Well-balanced Diet

Summertime is a great time to indulge in food and drinks.

Many people don’t realize that diet is just as important for our mental health and physical health.

It’s not that we are saying you shouldn’t indulge in a summer treat, or that you have to stick to your diet. However, improving your nutrition and eating well balanced food can boost your mental and emotional well-being.

Challenge yourself to try healthy and new recipes this summer to help you maintain a balanced diet.

Drink between 6-8 glasses per day to stay hydrated. Comfort food is great. But make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables too!

10. Practice Mindfulness

It’s about being fully present in the moment and allowing feelings, thoughts and sensations to pass by without judgment.

You can become more mindful by doing things like meditating or practicing gratitude. Walking in nature, deep breathing exercises, and expressing gratitude are also good ways to do so.

Keep a journal to help you be more mindful. It can be beneficial for your mental well-being as it allows you to record all your feelings and thoughts.

Mindfulness can help you manage stress, anxiety, and improve your sleep. It also helps you feel more relaxed, has better mental clarity, reduces blood pressure, and lowers your blood pressure.

Try to be more mindful, and you will notice the benefits!

Our self-care checklist should help you to maintain a happy and healthy mind and body throughout the summer.

Enjoy your vacation and take care of both your physical and mental well-being!

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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