Gift Giving: What To Buy For The Awkward Person In Your Life

We’ve all been in the same position at one point or another. It is growing close to a birthday or Christmas and you have no idea what to buy someone. This can occur for several reasons, and sometimes you find that you need to buy an unexpected gift.

So what can you do? Take a look at some of the solutions below and see if any of them can help you out with this social nightmare.

Gifts For Awkward People

It is highly likely that you know at least one person that is the most difficult to buy for. It may be because they don’t talk about their interests much, or because you aren’t that familiar with the things they are into. Either way, they expect a gift when the time comes. That is why you need to get creative.

One method you could try is buying something that can be personalised. You don’t need to go into specific detail, but a personalised t-shirt, hoodie or souvenir is great way to show that you appreciate someone. What’s more, the only information you need to know is their name.

Another method you could try is finding something bizarre. The internet is full of quirky gadgets that many people won’t buy for themselves. Why not swing for the fences and buy them something truly unique. These types of gifts often include joke presents that are always good for putting a smile on someone’s face.

Isn’t that what we want when giving someone a present?


Gifts For The Elderly

A common problem that arises when people get to a certain age is that they already own everything that they are going to need. Buying gifts for these people is always a pain, and the joke present is clearly off the table. It is very probable that your Nan won’t find any use in a whoopee cushion! So, what are you to do?

Well, a gift doesn’t have to be a physical object. The one thing most people appreciate regardless of age is time, more specifically spending time with loved ones. You can find experience days and vouchers for meals out online or in certain stores. These come with a wide variety of choices so you can buy something that fits their schedule and they will actually enjoy.

After all, it is the thought that counts more than anything.

Gifts For Colleagues

Next up is probably the hardest person to buy for in existence; the co-worker. It is normal for offices to do a secret Santa when the time comes, and you just know that you are going to pull out the name of someone you barely know. Your first instinct may be to swap that name for someone else, but the issue is destined to present itself again before retirement. So what can you get them?

The answer to this conundrum is actually far easier than you originally guessed. Keep your gift as generic as possible. Everyone appreciates a new tool or handy appliance, so try to think along these lines. It is highly possible that your colleague has a smartphone, so they may appreciate a new phone case. Keyrings and festive socks also fall into this category.

Basically, you are looking for something they can use every day that is one step up from boring. Also, try to avoid buying them work related objects like stationery. You’ll definitely see them using it, but they do have a life outside of work. Try to make it clear that you know that too.

Another great idea for secret Santa is actually perfume. Think about it, they don’t know who gave them the gift so if they don’t like it then it doesn’t matter too much. However, if you get them the right bottle then they might love it and wear it everyday. There are some amazing Arab perfumes if you want to give them something unique.

Gifts For Children

Chances are you know exactly what your child loves and despises, and they’ll probably inform you within seconds if these things change. But this section doesn’t refer to your own children. This section is for those of you that have children in your life that you don’t know very well. This could include a niece or nephew, or even a friend’s child that you feel obligated to buy for.

You can’t really buy anything too expensive, or you at least don’t want to spend any more than you normally would on a gift for your own child. That removes a lot of toys and games from our list of options. However, you can treat them to a sweet hamper. Sweet Hampers are the ideal gift for a child as they represent a treat and something that their parents wouldn’t necessarily buy for them.

Also, there is no law against buying sweet hampers for adults too, so go and have fun with them.

Gifts for Everyone Else

At last, we come to the really awkward gifts. These are reserved for the people you interact with often that may even provide a service for you throughout the year. The most common example of this type of person is your child’s teacher, but can also include your postman, dog walker or gardener.

These are all people that you spend a lot of time around but probably know nothing about. It is a tricky situation to find yourself in, but there are some socially acceptable gifts that you can find for the miscellaneous people in your life.

First up, food and drink is a good choice. You’d be better off leaning toward the food option as it is hard to tell whether or not someone actually enjoys an alcoholic beverage. The food option includes things like chocolates, cakes or something homemade. You don’t need to be elaborate, but try not to be too impersonal, either. Food strikes a perfect balance between showing someone that you have thought of them and not overdoing it.

If all else fails, a healthy bunch of flowers is never a bad option. Who doesn’t like to receive flowers?


As you can see, some people are not as difficult as you may have thought when it comes to buying gifts. Of course, you are always going to run into outliers, but that is half the fun of shopping. Take our advice and see if you find present shopping any easier. With the festive season right around the corner, now might be the perfect chance to test out your new gift buying skills.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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