Getting creative with furniture is where things become a little bit more fun and expressive. Thankfully, functional innovation is just as rife as design innovation, so hopefully, the things we decide to put in our home are making out lives easier, not just more satisfying to look at. Here are five innovative home furniture ideas for heading into the new year.

TV Floor Stand
If you’re someone who likes to move their furniture around the room often or wants a minimal aesthetic, then a TV floor stand might be something you’ve always needed – but never knew it existed. TV floor stands have extremely small real estate, which is more similar to the appearance of a TV hanging on the wall than a traditional TV stand. But it’s more versatile than that, as it’s incredibly easy to more the TV and TV stand together. This is ideal for a bedroom setup that doesn’t have a lot of the cable TV boxes and Playstations under it and being extremely streamlined, it is particularly useful for smaller homes that are trying to achieve a modern or minimalist look.
Murphy Bed
Murphy beds are essentially beds that can be folded up into the wall, transforming your sleeping space into a hidden object in a wall. Some Murphy beds even build a shelf into the bed, so that when it’s folded up, your books and candles remain on the hinged shelf and completely disguises the fact that there is a bed in your wall. They can also double up as a sofa too, which is incredibly useful for studio apartments that lack space. They take a little getting use to, but the 30 seconds it takes to fold up each morning can create 6 feet worth of space in your living area in the daytime.
Punch Bag Couch
This one is certainly… innovative. The Tobias Franzel has come up with a design leaving couch potatoes with no excuse over not exercising. The punch bag couch is essentially a sofa that when being used as a sofa, has a red, cylindrical back to it to lie on. However, this can be bent upright, which then turns into a punch bag for you to get your anger out on and exercise. It’s a completely off-the-wall idea, but providing you like its design as a stationary couch, there’s almost no reason to not have items around the home that double-up for a second use.
Expanding Table
Keeping in the theme of space-saving furniture, expanding tables seem like a no-brainer for smaller homes. They’re barely noticeable as an expanding table these days, with ways to fold it that hide the hinges, and can mean doubling or tripling the length of your dinner table within a couple of seconds. This can also be the case for desks too, making it easy to expand your workspace area, and stack smaller when it’s not in use. Keep in mind that a desktop PC and many chairs are often incompatible with these ideas, though.
Emperor 1510
The Emperor 1510 is very much an all-out style of furniture and decadence for gamers. The Emperor 1510 is essentially a gaming chair with three monitors built into the chair. It kind of looks like a spaceship contraption of some sort, but it’s the dream setup for those that enjoy video games. It’s incredibly ergonomic due to the adjustability of the monitor height and has many hydraulic adjustable parts, and can still be used as a workstation for high productivity due to the spacious set-up and three screens.