How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee

If there’s one thing I can say with all certainty, it’s that life is too short to drink bad coffee, and you know what? You really don’t have to, nor do you have to spend a fortune at an artisan coffee shop (although why not treat yourself now and again?) to do so. Pretty much anyone can learn to brew the perfect cup of coffee, so with the right tools and a little bit of patience, there is no reason why you cannot be sipping on a cup of coffee heaven that you have made yourself, in no time at all.

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1. Start with the Beans: It’s All About Quality

There is no point in learning anything more about how to create the perfect cup of coffee if you do not start things off with good beans. After all, you wouldn’t try to make a gourmet meal with out-of-date ingredients, would you? So why settle for subpar coffee? The beans are where it all begins, and if you get this bit right, you’re halfway to coffee nirvana.

When you start exploring coffee beans, you will quickly see that there are more varieties than you can shake a stick at, and so it might be difficult for you to wrap your head around it all. Let’s make things simple for you, then, by saying that Italian espresso beans are where it’s at right now. These little beauties are the secret weapon behind many a perfect cup of Joe. They’re rich, robust, and have that deep, velvety flavour that makes you feel like you’re sipping coffee in a quaint café in Rome, even if you’re just in your kitchen in Croydon.

Of course, if you prefer something a bit lighter or fruitier, there are plenty of options out there—from Ethiopian single-origin beans that burst with fruity notes to Colombian beans that are smooth and balanced on the tongue. The key is to find what you like, and then commit to it like it’s the last good thing in this world.

2. Grind Like a Pro: Freshness is Key

Once you have chosen your ideal coffee beans, then you will need to think about grinding them because, pre-ground coffee, although it can be good if you choose wisely. Will not have nearly the same level of freshness and complexity as freshly ground beans.

The ideal coffee grinder is more than a gadget, it’s an essential tool for every coffee lover to have in their life.Ideally, you want a burr grinder, because it gives you a consistent grind size, which is crucial for a balanced brew. Blade grinders, while cheaper, can leave you with a mix of powder and chunks, which is a bit like trying to bake a cake with flour that’s half icing sugar, half gravel. Not ideal.

The grind size you need depends on your brewing method. For espresso, you want something fine, almost like powdered sugar. For a French press, you’re looking at a coarser grind, like breadcrumbs. And for pour-over, you want something in between, like table salt. Get this right, and you’re well on your way to coffee perfection.

3. Water: The Overlooked Essential

Water might seem like a boring topic, but it’s actually one of the most important elements of your coffee. After all, coffee is 98% water, so if you’re using water that tastes like it’s been filtered through a rusty pipe, that’s what your coffee’s going to taste like too.

Ideally, you want filtered water. If your tap water’s decent, you might be able to get away with using that, but if it’s got a whiff of chlorine or it’s harder than a brick, invest in a water filter. Your taste buds will thank you.

The temperature of the water matters too. If it’s too hot, you’ll scorch the coffee and end up with a bitter brew. Too cold, and you won’t extract enough flavour, leaving you with something weak and disappointing. The sweet spot is around 90-96°C. If you’re really serious, get yourself a temperature-controlled kettle. If not, just boil the kettle and let it sit for about 30 seconds before pouring. Easy.

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4. Measure Up: Don’t Just Wing It

Here’s where a lot of people go wrong—they just chuck a spoonful of coffee into whatever device they’re using and hope for the best. But we’re not making instant noodles here; we’re making coffee, and coffee deserves respect. That means measuring your coffee properly.

The golden ratio is about 1:15 to 1:18 coffee to water. That’s roughly one to two tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water, but if you want to be really precise, get yourself a kitchen scale. Weighing your coffee and water might seem a bit extra, but it’s the best way to ensure you’re getting a consistent brew every time. And honestly, once you’ve tasted the difference, you won’t want to go back.

5. Choose Your Method: The Right Tool for the Job

Now, let’s get to the fun part—brewing. There are so many ways to make coffee, and each has its own merits. Whether you’re a fan of the classic French press, the ritualistic pour-over, or the intense hit of an espresso, there’s a method out there for you. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most popular methods and what makes them special.

French Press: The Bold and the Beautiful

We all know what a French press is and that’s because it is pretty good at what it does while also being straightforward to use. If you want a full-bodied cup of coffee, then you could do a lot worse than the French press, especially if you know how to use it to the fullest. The key is to use a coarse grind, kind of like the texture of breadcrumbs. Simply add it to the press followed by your hot water, stir and then steep for around four minutes. Press the plunger down evenly and slowly and you have the perfect brew.

Pour-Over: The Artisanal Approach

If you have some time only on your hands, then pour-over coffee is definitely worth your while. It’s a method that gives you the maximum amount of control over brewing your coffee, so you can extract all of the flavours you want from the beans you are using. 

To make a perfect pour-over, you’ll need a gooseneck kettle (for precision pouring), a dripper (like a V60 or Chemex), and some filters. The key here is to pour your water slowly in a circular motion, making sure to saturate all the grounds evenly. It’s a bit of a faff, but the result is a clean, crisp cup of coffee that really lets the flavours of your beans shine through.

Espresso: The Italian Stallion

And then there’s espresso—the strong, intense shot of coffee that powers most of Europe (and plenty of people elsewhere too). For this, you’ll need a good espresso machine and, of course, some high-quality Italian espresso beans. These beans are roasted to perfection to bring out those deep, rich flavours that make espresso so special.

Making a perfect espresso is an art form. You need the right grind (super fine), the right tamp (firm and even), and the right extraction time (about 25-30 seconds). When done right, you’ll be rewarded with a shot of coffee that’s rich, complex, and topped with a beautiful layer of crema.

6. Don’t Forget the Extras: Milk and Sugar (or Not)

Once you’ve brewed your coffee, it’s time to decide exactly how you are going to take it. Obviously, if you’re a purist who likes your coffee black as midnight on a moonless night, to quote a famous coffee lover, then this is a step you can skip, but if not, and if you’re going to add some milk or sugar, then you need to do it just right.

If you’re adding milk, then whole milk is your best choice due to its rich, creamy texture. Don’t do dairy? An oat milk made for coffee is your best bet as it will throth nicely and won’t separate. Oh, and if froth is your thing, then a milk frother is the gadget for you.

When it comes to sugar, keep it minimal. The goal is to enhance the coffee’s natural flavours, not drown them out. If you must sweeten, try a bit of raw sugar or even a drizzle of honey.

7. Sip and Savour: Enjoying Your Coffee

Now, all that remains is for you to drink that perfect cup of coffee you have so lovingly created! Now, you might be so excited by your newly acquired skills that you are tempted to gulp that coffee down quickly. DON’T! Now, a truly good cup of coffee can only really be appreciated if you take the time to savour it. So, sit down, take a deep breath and take your first sip. Roll it around your mouth, take time to really taste it. Smell its rich aroma and feel the warmth of it on your hands. It’ll be the best cup of Joe you’ve ever had!

The Perfect Cup is Within Your Reach

As you can see, the perfect cup of coffee is well within your reach, and you don’t even have to pay takeout prices to get it! The key is starting off with the best coffee beans you can find. Then, it’s just a matter of taking your time to treat them right!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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