Interior Tips – Top Tips To Create A Zen Den In Your Home

Whether you’re looking to read, meditate or work, we can help you design a space you want to spend all you time in with our top tips to create a zen den in your home. 

When it comes to your home, it is nice to have space that you feel relaxed in. Whether it is dedicated to reading, yoga, or working from home, it’s important to have somewhere you can escape to – your very own zen den!

Top Tips To Create a Zen Den in your Home

Creating space that you feel calm and content can be pretty transformative for your home and yourself. Here are a couple of great things you can do with your space to make it more peaceful and welcoming. Try to remember you don’t need to dedicate a whole room to this, even a corner will do.

One of the first things you need to do is consider your colour palette. You want soothing, neutral colours than invole feelings of contentment and peace. You could check out residential painting and decorating for this. Think carefully and choose the colors on the wall that you genuinely want.

One of the most enjoyable things you can do is to introduce plenty of plants into the room. Not only do they clear the air around them, but they bring a touch of calm and improve connectivity. The beautiful green tones of the plants are incredibly calming. However, try to remember that you might want to avoid scented plants and candles if you suffer from migraines.

If you want to create a space to meditate, it is a great idea to have some Bluetooth speakers or perhaps a Sonos system; they can play music or help you listen to a guided meditation session. This is much better than headphones allows you to move around. Falling in love with classical music can give you a more relaxed or focus period depending on what you need.

Seating is essential. Although the idea of sitting on the floor for a meditation session, or in general, sounds excellent – painful joints or a sore back might dictate you need something more comfortable. Think about a soft, plump chair with a high back. This will be supportive enough, so you don’t slouch, stop any lumbar issues, and be comfortable enough to sit in for quite some time. This is even more important if you work from home and you have a desk in your house. Or if you like to read for extended periods.

Top Tips To Create a Zen Den in your Home

Place visuals around the room or area that you designated as yours but calm space. Adding images that you’ve taken, or perhaps you’re a fan of the law of attraction. And seeing that photo of a farm, or a cabin in the woods keeps you motivated and focused on your goals.

Lighting makes a huge difference to your sense of calm and peace. Warmer toned bulbs give you a more relaxed and enveloped feeling, dimming the lights in any space will make you feel more comfortable and homely. Try to keep your zen space bathed in plenty of light in the daytime as natural light is excellent for you.

And finally, every space for creativity and calm needs some pens and notebooks around the area. Ensure that they are easy to grab so that if you have an epiphany or are currently working on a project, you can quickly jot down your ideas and save them for later.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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