The new year is here and if your resolution is to learn something new, you’re not alone. Learning to ride a motorcycle is a skill many people say they wish to adopt, but often wonder just how to go about it. Rather than a means of getting from A to B, riding a bike it a lifestyle and passion. It turns roads from a platform for direction to a place to bring your dreams to life. If it’s always on your list, stop putting it off and instead look into how you can go about bringing it to fruition. We’ve spoken to ACBT motorcycle school London to find out just what riding a motorcycle entails and why their school is the place to go to learn the skills you need.

A real passion and drive for motorcycling
A female owned company, ACBT London pride themselves on their unique approach to learning to ride. Rather than being somewhere you buy vouchers for and get a generic experience, they take this a whole lot further. A unique experience, they are a CBT with style, humour and equality. Having broken down gender barriers in being one of the few female owned motorcyle schools in industry and with 4 of 7 staff being women, they try to break barriers in all directions. With a passion for riding and teaching that is entwined to their very core, they’ll teach you all you need to do to be confident riding a motorcycle on the road and living that dream you’ve always wanted.
Personalised training just for you
Training is offered in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Galego and you can make the most of women only training days in a leafy historical borough in Southeast London. To ACBT, the money isn’t the most important part, something else which makes them ideal for ticking off your new years resolution. Instead, they want to work with each and every student to get them where to want to be with their riding.
A focus on what matters
It’s this passion, drive and compassion that makes them such a fantastic school to ride with and one you won’t forget in a hurry. As well as a passion for motorcyling itself, they also prioritise sustainability, believing that in the motoring industry they have a duty to reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible. They reduce their paper use, are transferring their office completely off grid and. have a careful collection of motorbikes designed to be the most economical possible. The bikes have are been carefully sourced that are already produced as opposed to brand new, while ensuring their reliability and safety isn’t compromised.
What are some top tips for learning to ride a motorcycle in 2024?
Keep calm and don’t be afraid to take your time
Ask any questions you might have
Equip yourself with the right safety gear
Remember the rules of the road
Take your motorcycling course seriuously and get the most out of it that you can
When looking for CBT motorcycle training in Blackheath, Southeast London, Central London and East London look no further. Make your new years resolution to learn to motorcycle come true by learning with ACBT. To find out more, purchase a gift card or ask any questions, head to their website.