Common Myths and Misconceptions About Natural Deodorants

Natural products, especially chemical-free deodorants, have had to deal with a lot of myths and mistruths ever since they were introduced onto the market. Some people claim they don’t work while others say they are as good as the mainstream products. But which of these claims are actually true and based on facts? If you are conscious about your body and are thinking of getting your next natural deodorant in UK, read on as we debunk the common myths surrounding these products and reveal the facts about how they work. 

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Natural Deodorants Don’t Work

This is probably the most common myth and mainly comes from people who have never tried natural deodorants. Natural deodorants work just as well as other conventional deodorants. The difference between the products is in how they work. 

Conventional deodorants use aluminum to block sweat pores, which isn’t an ideal process since the body needs to sweat to cool off. On the other hand, natural deodorants work by reducing the bacterial activity of sweat, thus keeping the odor away while also allowing your sweat pores to breathe and work as they should. 

They Irritate Your Skin

How deodorant affects your skin is based on the ingredients present. Most natural deodorants do not have chemicals and artificial ingredients, which are more likely to irritate your skin. Moreover, natural products also list the ingredients in the deodorant, allowing you to check if any products may cause an allergic reaction if you use them. 

The best way to confirm how your body will react to any product, including natural deodorants, is by applying a slight amount to a small area on your arm and observing the reaction. This way, you will avoid using too much of a product that could give you an intense skin reaction. 

You Need to Apply a Large Amount of Natural Deodorant

The amount of deodorant you apply is based on how much your body sweats and your habits. If you like applying deodorant several times a day, you’ll do so whether you use conventional or natural products. 

Additionally, your daily activities determine how often you may need to apply deodorant. When exercising, for instance, you may need to use more deodorant to keep up with the increased levels of sweat production. 

They Stain Your Clothes

Did you know that the biggest cause of stains on your clothes comes from the aluminum in conventional deodorants? The best part about using natural deodorants is that they are aluminum-free, meaning you will never see yellow patches or marks on your T-shirts again. Even if you notice an unusual color on your clothes when using natural deodorants, rest assured that those stains will be gone the minute you wash them. 


Natural deodorants have come a long way over the years and have established themselves as effective alternatives to conventional deodorants. There are many other myths and misconceptions that you may have heard and are not listed here. However, instead of letting them discourage you, why not try natural deodorants and see if they work for you? This way, you will learn more about them and make a conscious choice about the products you use on your body. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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