Interview with renowned Astrologist Stefanie James of Stellium Astrology

We meet one of London’s biggest and award winning Astrologists; Stefanie James from and dive deep into her life, her work and the world of astrology…

Stefanie James from

How long have you been interested in Astrology?

I’ve been interested in astrology, mysteries and all things unusual since early childhood. My grandfather could hypnotise people and my great-grandfather could read palms, so I guess I come from a family that always had that edge. My mum would talk about being born ‘on the cusp’ of Leo and Virgo. I found it really interesting and wondered how the day you are born could influence the way your life played out. From about 2008 I started getting into holistic health and alternative remedies; I’d had enough of the mainstream answer for everything. That’s when I really started getting into Moon phases and began seeing its influence in my daily life. In 2011 I booked my first birth chart reading, where my eyes were opened to the depth of the subject, and that was it: I was hooked. Later that year I signed up to study at The London School of Astrology, which happened to coincide with my Saturn return

you tell us a bit more about the work you do

As well as conducting private consultations with clients, I also travel around the UK presenting my research. Earlier this year I went to India to talk about the Capricorn Stellium generation of 1988-1996, in particular, the Uranus–Neptune conjunction (a very special time in recent history). When I’m not presenting talks and seeing clients I’m writing the monthly horoscopes and posts about the upcoming astrological transits for my website. I also write for Star Sign, various astrology magazines and am the resident astrologer for The HIJAC Radio Podcast. At the moment I’m creating beginner’s astrology courses for my website, as well as going back to The London School of Astrology to teach the odd class.

What is the best thing about your job?

Connecting with a little bit of magic which fills me with inspiration, as well as getting to meet so many interesting people. Astrology allows me to see a layer of existence which is hidden in plain sight and played out in a synchronistic dialogue between the cosmos and human experience. Through this I am able to offer support and guidance to clients who are encountering difficulty or confusion. I help them to see things from a new perspective, show them that they have options, and help them to find the deeper meaning in challenges they face. I’m always profoundly humbled when clients express their gratitude to me after resonating with my interpretation of their chart. I’m extremely grateful to be able to help people, doing what I love.   

Stefanie James from

tell us a bit more about natal charts and what they mean?

Like the ticking of hands on a clock, the Sun and Moon move across our skies as the annual year passes. This dance of night and day creates the context of time and date for us. Through it we understand the past and the present whilst looking forward to the future. The natal chart is a ‘screenshot’ of all the planets at the moment of birth; think of it as the signature of your existence, your personal map or instruction manual. With your correct time, date and place of birth, we can see how you engage with your environment, the experiences which have shaped you as a person and what you have to offer the world.

What is your star sign and do you feel your own traits match this?

Most people familiar with star sign columns think astrology is based purely around our Sun, which is just one twelfth of the cake! I have a Capricorn Sun, a Scorpio Moon and a Gemini Ascendant (rising sign) – astrologers call that ‘the big three’. I would definitely say I am growing into the Capricorn I was born to be. I used to think Capricorn was such a boring, stuffy sign as a child: Hardworking, sensible, likes to wear earthy tones… It didn’t exactly set my imagination alight! However, our Sun is the state of our becoming and our destination in life. As I get older, I have to acknowledge I am hard working and dare I admit it, I am perhaps a little bit more sensible than I used to be. However, I have a stellium in Aquarius and a Gemini Ascendant which lends me my chatty, quirky flare, lifting the mood on all the Capricorn stuff which can be quite ‘straight-edge’.

Any words/information/knowledge you’d like to give to those who think Astrology is a load of hogwash?

I’d say hogwash or Hogwarts? J K Rowling is an astrologer who uses astrological symbolism and knowledge in her books. Who doesn’t enjoy Harry Potter?! I would hasten to add that a well-researched argument against the field of astrology in its entirety (and not just the Sun signs) would be a welcome debate for my radio show. For anyone interested, Psychologist Michel Gauquelin and Astronomer Percy Seymour PhD have conducted separate scientific studies exploring the validity of planetary influence with very interesting results.

What benefits can one gain from knowing more depth about their Astrological/planetary structure?

Astrology is a great tool for self-analysis, awareness and empowerment. It brings a sense of meaning and purpose which I find magical. A student astrologer initially learns through exploration of their own chart before interpreting for others. Through this practice you embark on a therapeutic journey making sense of your past, your relationships and your psychological makeup. Knowing yourself through your planetary placements gives you awareness of your actions and impact on others, as well as confidence in your own abilities – the birth chart reveals our natural talents and gifts. That said, there’s no hiding from the less desirable traits we possess, so by acknowledging challenging aspects of our charts and persona we commence our quest for self-mastery. In a nutshell, astrology gives you power to check yourself before you wreck yourself!

What is your favourite thing to do when in London?

I love going to Camden and Covent Garden. My perfect day would be going to the British Museum (I don’t normally make it past the consciousness room) then a visit to Treadwell’s esoteric bookshop on Store Street. After that I’d swing by Paperchase on Tottenham Court Road (to satisfy my stationary fetish), pop into the Astrology Shop in Covent Garden, followed by Forbidden Planet to check out some of the graphic novels. Then I’d have a couple of Chocolate Martini’s before jumping on the tube to the Blues Kitchen in Camden for a night of Cajun comfort food, cocktails and live blues music.

We have a special treat for you – Use the code SITC18 for 25% off any readings with Stefanie James 

Visit to find out more about Stefanie James and astrology

Vanessa Tait
Vanessa Tait
Hello! My name is Vanessa and I am a writer for Seen in the City. I also own my own business of a surf/bohemian clothing line named Souled Out the Label. Alongside this I am the Marketing Manager for a holistic organic spa in Hove. In my spare time I love to surf, read, practise yoga and be outdoors.


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