Tips To Make A Room Look Larger

Sometimes there is nothing cosier than a smaller space, but small spaces also run the risk of looking cluttered and messy – even more if there is a lack of storage. One of the right things that you should invest in for smaller spaces is good storage – after that, these tips can help. 

Tips to make small room look larger
Photo by Max Rahubovskiy:


One of the first things to do before you start adding anything into space is to take a look at what is already there. Are the shelves heavy with trinkets and books – but not very neatly? Clutter can be more impactful in smaller rooms, so make some time so that you can dedicate yourself to getting rid of or selling what you no longer need, love or enjoy. 

Once you have the room for just what needs to be in there and some storage for important ideas, then it is time to move on to making a couple of changes. 

Ghost Furniture 

Ghost furniture is the term used for furniture that is made from acrylic or glass. While it is not to everyone’s taste because it is assumed to be ‘cold’, it works wonders to create rooms that feel bigger. 

If you aren’t keen on switching to acrylic or glass, find table tops and legs that are thinner or lighter in colour. They won’t have the same impact of ‘not being there’ to the eye, but they will make less of an effect on the space. 

Open Shelving 

Bookcases and other wall storage can look very boxy, and the boxiness combined with the darker corners can look very imposing in a room. Open shelving that isn’t uniform in size of the shelving means you can see through to the wall. This gives a more airy feeling to the room and works just like the ghost furniture idea – it removes barriers.


Mirrors have long been the go-to item to make rooms feel both lighter and larger – but if you don’t hang them in the right place, they can have the opposite impact. Use a range of sizes and framing for mirrors and try to have them dotted around to help bounce the light. 


When furniture only has one purpose, you’ll need more furniture. A great example is beds that have drawers or other storage – they remove the need for ottomans and sometimes drawers in the room, freeing up a lot of space. The same thing can be replicated in the living room. 

Sofas that can be beds and storage space are substantial space savers. Ottomans and wooden trunks double as storage, and a coffee table is handy. Or even blanket boxes that double as a footrest. 

Float it

Your sofa and other things don’t need to be pressed against the wall; it makes a room look boxier. Instead, move items a few inches away, and let the furniture float into the room. 

It creates space in front and behind the furniture, making it look like you have room to spare. 

You can also be conscious and sustainable with your efforts to maximise space with these tips: Sustainable Interior Design Ideas

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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