5 Issues That May Hold You Back On The Road To Fitness Success

When starting a fitness plan, the first step is always the most important. Nevertheless, the road to improved health and happiness is a marathon rather than a sprint. Unfortunately, very simple errors could eventually knock you off your stride. 

Identifying those obstacles will give you the best chance of overcoming them. When you do, the hopes of staying on track for sustained life-changing results are far greater. Here are five issues that you must not ignore. 

fitness journey
Photo by Kate Trifo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-jogging-4024914/

Your Diet

It’s the oldest cliche in the book, but you cannot outrun a poor diet. Having said that, it’s not simply a case of cutting calories. Your body still needs the right nutrients while a lack of food will hinder your sporting performances due to a lack of energy. Crucially, your nutrition plan needs to be sustainable and enjoyable. Incorporating delicious steaks and nutritious treats will satisfy your appetite and taste buds. In turn, you’ll be less likely to binge on sugary snacks that offer little benefit to your body. 

Conversely, if you start a crash diet, you will inevitably crash at some stage. Once you revert to your old ways, any progress you’ve made will quickly be lost.

The Wrong Attire

Looking good makes you feel good, but it’s not the only reason for choosing the right attire. If you wear the wrong base layer clothes, you will likely suffer from chaffing. Meanwhile, unsupportive clothes can impact your posture. Proper sports attire can aid the speed of your running and regulate your temperature during workouts. Perhaps most importantly, you need the right footwear. Without it, you will experience injuries and reduced performance levels.

You do not have to pay a fortune for the biggest brands. But you should ensure that your attire choices are suitable for your chosen activity.

Undefined Goals

If you are simply exercising for fun, that’s great. When you have plans to build a better body, though, it’s important to set real goals. It’s always better to set goals like fitting back into your favourite jeans or running a half marathon than worry about your weight. The scales should never be the main barometer of success, especially as you’ll add muscle while losing fat. Instead, you should track other metrics like your measurements, speed, strength, and stamina. This will deliver far more accurate results.

Crucially, though, you need a target. Only then can you adapt your strategy to help you achieve this target. When you hit the milestones, it’ll be a huge success too.

You’re Not In The Zone

Consistency is king at every stage of your fitness journey. However, it’s not enough to simply turn up. You need to perform at a high level rather than simply cruising through every workout. Therefore, finding the routines that will get you in the zone is vital. This could mean finding better headphones and creating an upbeat playlist. Or it may mean adding a competitive edge by competing against friends. Alternatively, you might simply prefer working out at a certain time of the day.

Not every single session will be great. Still, if you notice that your levels are regularly below what you want, it must be addressed. When in the zone, nothing can stop you.

Poor Sleep Habits

Finally, it’s imperative that you give your body a chance to rest. With this in mind, adopting healthier sleep patterns is essential. A new mattress, going to bed at the same time each night, and avoiding screens for an hour before sleep will help. Aside from helping your body recuperate, it’ll control your cortisol stress levels. Waking up refreshed and full of energy will allow you to perform better and reduce the likelihood of skipping a session. Better still, you will be less prone to minor injuries.

If you push your body hard during exercise, ignoring the need for good rest is simply not an option.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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