How to Make the Most of a Trip Around the UK

If you want to make the most of a trip around the UK, it’s a good idea to learn more about what the country has to offer and the specific places and things to do that you won’t want to miss. So if you know you want to take a wide-ranging trip around the UK but you don’t know how to approach it, you’re in the right place.

We’re going to talk today about some of the best ways to approach the trip and how you might want to go about making the most of it. Each of the tips and ideas we’re about to discuss below will help you create a trip that’ll allow you to see all the sights, but you should personalize it to your needs and preferences too.

Trip Around the UK

Do Your Research

First of all, you should make sure that you take the time to do plenty of research into the options open to you before making any decisions. The places and options we’re going to talk about today will at least give you some ideas and inspiration. But you’ll also need to research all of the other things that might impact your trip, depending on how you want to travel and whether you’ve visited the UK before. Public transport and how to get around is one such example.

Spend Time in Both the Peak District and the Lake District

As you travel around the UK, you’ll want to visit some of the country’s natural highlights. There are lots of them to explore, and two of the specific destinations you won’t want to miss or overlook are the Peak District and the Lake District. The Peak District is found in the Midlands and has some very impressive mountains and green landscapes. It lies between Machester and Yorkshire and stretches further south. As the name suggests, the Lake District has beautiful lakes surrounded by hills and mountains that are ideal for walking, it’s located north of Lancashire.

Take Some Time to See the Sites in London

London is obviously always going to be one of the major highlights of any trip to the UK. You’ll want to spend a little time in the city and see some of the key attractions if you’ve never seen them before. Yes, there are lots of tourist cliches, but some of them are actually very impressive and worth seeing. Taking a spin on the London Eye, for example, is a lot of fun whether it’s a tourist trap or not.

Don’t Neglect the Other Major Cities

Just because London has so much to offer, that doesn’t mean you should forget about all of the other really impressive cities dotted across the UK. Places like Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Edinburgh are all incredible places with a lot of vibrancy and interesting histories to explore. So try to visit at least a couple of other cities too if you have the time during your visit.

Find Some Luxurious Hotels to Stay In

There are lots of luxurious and highly impressive hotels found throughout the UK, and you should make the most of these when you visit. You won’t be disappointed by the options open to you, and staying in some of those places will make your visit a lot more special and comfortable, and that’s what you need when you’re doing a full nationwide trip, taking in lots of places and doing lots of travelling. Places like the One Warwick Park Hotel in Tunbridge Wells offer a perfect example of what you should be looking for.

Visit the Yorkshire Countryside

We’ve already talked a little about some of the natural wonders and highlights in the UK, but you should also consider heading up to Yorkshire and seeing the Yorkshire Dales and the rolling hills you’ll find in this part of the country. There’s so much to see and explore in that part of the world, so don’t miss it. It’s also close to creating cities like Sheffield and York.

Take a Road Trip Around Scotland

Taking a trip up to Scotland is also a great idea. You can’t explore the whole of the UK if you limit your trip to England. The best way to explore Scotland is by road. You can visit the great cities or Glasgow and Edinburgh, and also head up north and see the stunning countryside and maybe even travel to some of the islands, such as the Isle of Skye. There’s a lot to see and do up there, especially if you’re a lover of whiskey.

Head Over to Northern Ireland and Visit the Giant’s Causeway

As well as Scotland, you might also want to head to Northern Ireland. You can travel across by plane or boat, and it’s a very short journey from Scotland or North West England. Once you’re there, you can explore the capital of Belfast or maybe head to the northern coast where you’ll find the Giant’s Causeway, one of the most impressive natural landmarks you’ll find anywhere in the UK. You could also head south and add a trip to the Republic of Ireland to your itinerary if you like.

Don’t Miss the UK’s Historic Sites

There are lots of important historic sites around the UK as well, whether you’re looking for something natural or manmade. For example, you can walk the Jurrasic coastline, or you could take the time to visit Stonehenge. There’s something for everyone and plenty of history in just about every town, city or village you might visit while you’re in the UK.

As you can see, planning a big trip around the UK is a big undertaking if you want to see all the highlights. But even if you do all of the things we’ve talked about today, there’s still a lot more to see and do that we haven’t talked about. So the good news is you’ll still have plenty to do on your next visit to the UK.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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