The Top 3 Reasons Why Windows Are Important for Your Home

Have you ever stopped to really look at the windows in your home and think about their importance?

Probably not.

Almost every building we go into has a window of some description somewhere, and we take them for granted. We keep them clean, we purchase Luxaflex® Window Covering Products, but apart from that, we do not always appreciate them. However, one thing is for sure; if all of the windows were suddenly removed, blocked up, or buildings were no longer constructed with windows, we would certainly miss them – and very quickly indeed.

In this post, we look at some of the reasons why windows are so important, especially when it comes to your home. 

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Why do our homes need windows?

#1 They help improve energy efficiency

The first and most crucial point to consider when considering why windows are installed in homes is that they can have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of your home

To state the obvious, windows are composed of glass, which is a transparent material that serves its purpose well. As opposed to obscuring or blocking light, glass allows light to enter a building from the outside environment; in most cases, this is sunshine.

During the chilly winter months, this can result in a significant increase in the efficiency of the treated air in your home. The sun’s rays not only provide light, but they also provide heat; windows allow you to tap into this energy source and harness it to raise the temperature of your home without placing an additional burden on your home’s heater.

#2 They provide natural lighting

You will not be able to get any sunshine into your home if you do not have any windows. However, by using a window, you will be able to acquire access to a more powerful source of lighting than you would otherwise have. As a result, when it comes to the lighting of your home, windows are extremely important.

In some shape or manner, lighting is required in every home; it is the only way for us to be able to see well within a structure. Because without illumination, we would all be fumbling around in the dark and knocking into each other and the furniture.

Without windows, you would be forced to rely solely on artificial lighting to illuminate your space. We define artificial as anything that is not produced by the sun in terms of its functional meaning. Most of the time, this refers to light emanating from either a light bulb or some other type of light fixture, depending on the situation. These also have a negative impact on the energy efficiency of your home because they require a significant amount of electrical power to operate.

There is also the fact that artificial light causes various physiological responses in different people.

#3 They provide ventilation

Now, more than ever, we understand the importance of keeping the home well-ventilated. Windows are the best vessel for doing this. By throwing open the windows wide, you let all of the stale air out and encourage fresh air to flow back into the house. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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