Why You Shouldn’t Lose Weight Too Quickly

We all know that being at a healthy weight is a good thing, and once we decide to take the plunge and do something about this issue, it’s an exciting moment. Not only is being at the right weight good for your physical health, but it can boost your confidence and self-esteem and help with your mental health as well, so it’s certainly something you should do when you feel able to.

lose weight quickly

The key is to lose the excess weight you have at a sensible rate, and if you try to do it too fast, you could make yourself ill – and there are other issues too. So although it might take longer than you’d like, it’s far better to take your time and not lose weight too quickly. Read on to find out why.

Muscle Loss

If you decide you want to lose weight, the best things to do are to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and do regular exercise. However, if you take this to extremes and try to do too much exercise or you cut back on your food so you’re not eating enough, you might lose weight quickly, but you’ll lose muscle as well, and that’s not a good position to be in.

When you lose muscle, you’ll be a lot weaker, so you won’t actually be able to exercise properly; plus, with less muscle, your metabolic rate changes – ironically, that means you’ll burn fewer calories when you’re resting, meaning it becomes a lot harder to lose weight. Keep things slow and steady and the results will be healthier and much more worthwhile.

Nutrient Deficiencies

When you go on a crash diet or try some kind of extreme weight loss idea, you’re probably not going to be getting all the important nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and keep functioning in the way it’s meant to. You’ll get ill more often and you could even develop symptoms like hair loss, tooth decay, bone weakness, and more.

By eating a healthy diet and exercising the right way, these things are much less likely to happen. If they still do, then it’s important to get expert help for advice, as the issue might not be related to your weight or diet at all. For example, if you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s a good idea to speak to experts about hair transplants for women to help you get back on track.

Loose Skin

Your skin is very elastic, which means that even if you’re quite overweight, if you lose that weight slowly and sensibly, your skin will essentially snap back and you won’t notice any difference (except, perhaps, for stretch marks, but you can use creams on these to minimise their appearance).

However, if you lose a lot of weight very suddenly, the skin won’t have a chance to reduce in size, and you’ll be left with lots of loose skin. Not only does this not look great, but it can also be heavy and uncomfortable to move around with, so despite the fact that you’ve lost a lot of weight, your life might not be improved that much. You can get surgery to remove the skin, but it’s a big operation and requires a lot of recovery time, and it’s far better to lose weight slowly so that this isn’t even something you have to worry about.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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