Maman le Mot – A night out with a difference…

Enter a world of secret agents, gadgets and gizmos for an evening unlike any other at Maman le Mot…

London has seen a range of unique eatery experiences crop up around the map over the past few years and the latest of which promises a jolly good night out unlike the other. Named Maman Le Mot (meaning Mum’s the word,) the evening transports you back to world war two where you are undergoing training to become a spy in France.

We told you it was different…

A Place In Time Maman Le Mot

On the night of the event, you have to dress up in your finest French spy-wear (and yes we’re talking baguettes and berets) and head down to a hidden location by London bridge. As soon as you arrive everyone springs right into character and you know you’re in for a treat. You are taken inside for an agent briefing and given a false identification – (or you can come with one prepared).

The whole set-up of the evening really is, as the colonel would say, “bloody marvellous.”
Each and every aspect has been thought of – even down to WW2 themed toilets! The actors are excellent, staying in their characters throughout and really immersing you into the whole experience and the relics, rooms, sights and sounds transport you back in time.

Maman le Mot London
After your briefing, you are led to The bistro which is set in the upstairs of the bunker. Teams head in for dinner at different intervals and are served a three-course menu of themed dishes (minus the rationing of the 1940’ thank goodness…)

Normally themed events can add in the food as an afterthought and therefore not be up to scratch. Maman le Mot however, was a nice surprise. The Bistro was warm and cosy and the food better than I would have thought. Our meal started with a pate and salad before moving to a delicious coq au vin and a lemon tart. The whole atmosphere was electric, everyone laughing and trading characters, memorising identities and getting to know one another. Quick tip: if you come as a small group you could get paired with other guests, but it’s a good chance to meet new people in an unusual setting!
Once the plates were scraped clean we were led down to the main bunker where the night really began. We were told to expect various tasks and secret missions throughout the evening, but we wouldn’t know when and we wouldn’t know what.Maman le Mot London

Some were solo, some couple missions and some to do as a team. I don’t want to spoil the array of tasks which lay ahead as you need to experience them yourselves, but it was extremely well executed and there was more than enough to keep everyone going for the evening without cutting short or becoming boring.
Remember not to forget your Identity when questioned about it -you may get pulled away for interrogation…!

The bar was open throughout the evening, which meant you could let you hair down, relax and enjoy a glass of cold Sauvignon Blanc after a long week of work. Once the missions had been completed and the winners announced, the evening continued at The Agents Ball, with a chance to dance away until the early hours.

Let’s face it, dinners out get boring. Maman le Mot, does not.
Instead of heading out to the same old restaurants, the same old format, the same old “in and out” within a couple of hours, try something different. Try something new. Try Maman le Mot (you won’t regret it.)

Be warned: It is only here for a limited time only so get down there quick! And remember, Mum’s the word…

Maman le Mot is on until March 2017

Maman le Mot’s Secret Agent training facility is located in London Bridge a 5 minutes walk from the Tube and Mainline train station. Your ticket purchase will reveal the “TOP SECRET” address, and instructions on how to gain entry.

If you need any further information or assistance email

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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