Female Empowerment Through Travel | International Womens Day

On this day as we celebrate women, our accomplishments, our struggles and our joys I want to acknowledge the role that other women play in our journeys. That may sound like stating the obvious. Of course other women support us! We are all in this together after all. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many women who do not believe in equality and many more who will not fight or support the struggle for it. Then on the other hand, there are those who dedicate their entire lives to it.

Tânia Trevisan is such a woman. She had been fulfilling her dreams of seeing the world and returned to her native Brazil in 2014. During her travels and as a professional events planner she had noticed the spectacular outcome produced by bringing women together. This single thought gave birth to a whole new idea.

Integral Woman

The Concept

On 8th March 2014 Tânia set up Integral Woman . It is a project where women from one country could travel together to a new one and exchange skills, knowledge and ideas with local women. The project was a huge success. By 2016 it crossed the Atlantic and Integral Woman reached entrepreneurial women in Portugal and Spain.

Integral Woman Ambassadors

The idea expands through Integral Woman Ambassadors who play a key role in spreading the good word of the concept. The ambassadors are locally based and are responsible for aligning Integral Woman’s principles with the local culture whilst identifying the needs of women from their region.

The Integral Woman Tour then brings these women together through a bespoke, well planned travel itineraries. Since 2014, Integral Woman Tour has explored different parts of Europe, South America, Caribbean and the United Arab Emirates with further trips planned in 2018:
April – Portugal and Spain – North
May – Portugal and Spain – South
July – Portugal and Spain – North
July – Croatia and Slovenia
September – Portugal
September – Portugal and Spain – South
October – Costa Rica

As the project expands beyond anything its founder could have dreamt of Tânia Trevisan has this to say: Traveling creates unforgettable memories. It increases our cultural baggage, opens our mind to understand different people and help us to make new friends. It also strengths every woman’s self-esteem.

As a woman who loves travel and has made it her life I for one, couldn’t agree more. So on this special day I wish to thank all the women who have supported me on my journey. I acknowledge those who fight the good fight so that we may all walk a little more freely each day.


For more information visit: www.integralwoman.com.br
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/integralwomanbrasil/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integralwomanbrasil/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUA0Ef7iVbdBjNU3Xb3CR_g

Demi Perera
Demi Pererahttp://www.girl-travelsworld.com
Freelance travel and food journalist and serial traveller. Follow my travels: https://www.instagram.com/girl_travelsworld/



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