Top Tips to Stay Focused While Working from Home

Whether you’ve only ever worked in an office, or are finding these challenging times affecting your motivation, it can be hard to get the work that you need. This is why we’ve put together our top tips to stay focused while working from home…

We’re in unprecedented times right now. Never before have so many people in the UK been working from home. Some are enjoying the change and aren’t experiencing any issues while self-isolating and working from home. But there are many that are suffering from “cabin fever” and would much rather be going into an office with their colleagues that they’ve grown to like. As a result, we’ll be giving you our top tips to stay focused while working from home.

Top Tips to Stay Focused While Working from Home

Try not to become addicted to caffeine!

If you’re already one of those office workers that drinks 5+ cups of coffee per day prior to the national lockdown, then it’s probably already too late for this tip.

But if you’re usually happy with just 1-2 cups of coffee or tea, then you still have time. While caffeine has undeniable benefits, such as helping you stay awake and alert, it can come at a cost; consuming an overload of caffeine can lead to jittery side effects, anxiety and even insomnia. Not only that, you build tolerance to caffeine over time – meaning the benefits of caffeine technically decrease during long-term use.

As a result, it’s wise to look at some alternatives to caffeine to stay focused. One popular option is non-stimulant nootropic supplements. The most effective nootropics in the UK often contain several nootropic ingredients that have proven to enhance your focus, memory and attention span in clinical studies. These include herbs such as Rhodiola Rosea and Lion’s Mane Mushroom that have become known for their cognitive-boosting effects. So by trying natural nootropics and keeping from indulging on several cups of tea or coffee per day, you’ll be sure to keep your focus and productivity high while working from home.

Set Strict Working Hours and take short breaks

Next in our top tips to stay focused while working from home is to set a routine. Some say that routine is the killer of happiness, especially those that travel the world full-time. And there are many professionals that need routine to stay focused on their job.

If you enjoy your normal working routine, then simply replicate those hours while working from home. If you usually start work in an office at 9am and finish at 5pm, there’s no reason you can’t begin working at 9am – of course, under the circumstances, you can certainly be forgiven for taking more short breaks throughout the day in order to stay sane and get some fresh air.

In theory, having a set starting time while working from home should prevent you from taking too many breaks and binging Netflix during when you’re supposed to be working.

Create a nice office space in your home

We’re not saying that you need to spend thousands on home office equipment here. But simply creating a small working environment in your house can help you ‘get into the zone’ during working hours.

This is because mindset plays a big role in your productivity. If you sit in a designated working space in your home instead of sitting on the sofa in-front of your TV, you’ll be removing any potential distractions.

Just a table and a chair are all you need at one side of your living room, if you don’t already have a room spare as a home office. If you need some inspiration, check out our desk space ideas article.

Don’t “Burnout” by working excessively

One issue with working from home is that it’s super easy to ‘overwork’ yourself. It’s all too easy to pull your laptop back out even after you’ve finished your day. This is why one of our top tips to stay focused while working from home is to ensure you have a good work life balance.

Overworking yourself can lead to mental fatigue overtime. Remember that down time is essential to your mental health.

Be sure to place additional focus on exercising, eating well and staying hydrated while working from home during the lockdown. If you look after yourself in your own time, then you’ll be able to perform at your best at work too.

Schedule Video Calls with your Colleagues

If you live on your own during the lockdown then it will be easy to feel completely isolated and lonely.

So it’s especially important that you schedule video calls with your colleagues to stay in touch with them; there’s nothing better than face to face interaction to boost focus and productivity, rather than sending tons of emails and waiting for answers.

Importantly, this will help you feel ‘less alone’ while you self-isolate.

What’s your favourite in our list of top tips to stay focused while working from home? Let us know in the comments below!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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