Review: 100 Queen’s Gate Little Explorers Package

At 100 Queen’s Gate hotel, we had a fantastic staycation that left our Little Explorers begging to come back to London – and the grown-ups were impressed as well…

Do you remember crowds? Hustle and bustle? Carting pushchairs through thickets of people in an effort to secure safe passage to your family’s destination? These were the things we expected when we travelled up to Victoria Station this weekend to experience the 100 Queen’s Gate Little Explorers package, but instead, we were very pleasantly surprised. For many residents, the new quietness and calm around South Kensington must seem unsettling, but for us as a young family, it was a welcome relief.

We had a short walk up to Buckingham Palace and had a quick wave to the Queen, being careful not to tell the children she was probably out. From there, we had an easy stroll along the side of Hyde Park and arrived at 100 Queen’s Gate rather surprised at how much energy we still had left. From the outside, the hotel is very impressive, and when you come in you’re instantly assured that they keep the place clean and secure. Social distancing has not changed the friendliness and efficiency of the staff, who had us checked in and installed in our connected rooms tout suite.

We had the Little Explorers package, and both boys were very happy to receive their goody bags. The eldest was especially enthralled at the potential encompassed in the treat vouchers given to him by the kindly concierge, while the youngest professed his love for his new teddy.

100 Queen's Gate Little Exploreres Package

Having unpacked quickly – the three-year old emptied the suitcase on the floor – we had a lovely walk through Kensington, our seven-year old remarking that ‘London isn’t even busy!’ He was right, and it didn’t take us long to get to Kensington Gardens where we had a great time at the Princess Diana Memorial Park. Although the Royal Parks staff were limiting numbers, we had no trouble getting in on a sunny September Saturday so it’s well worth a visit with the kids, and there’s loads of space for picnics in the Gardens.

After playtime, we had a slot booked at the Wonderlab at the Science Museum, which is just round the corner from 100 Queen’s Gate Hotel. Although our eldest isn’t usually a museum-y kind of boy, he really enjoyed himself here. They have interactive displays aplenty, with dry ice and controlled explosions that are enough to thrill any child. It’s the kind of place that gets them learning without realising they’re learning, which is excellent for both parents and kids.

As the frequency of ‘I’m hungry’ comments became greater than one per minute, we realised it must be dinnertime. A quick skip back to the hotel, and we were back in the room to get changed for dinner. The décor in the room (and throughout) was really luxurious, very quirky, and both Mum and Dad were trying to figure out how we could get their furniture and wallpaper installed into our own house.

100 Queen's Gate Little Exploreres Package

It’s safe to say there were four very rumbly tummies when we got down to dinner at 100 Queen’s Gate restaurant ESQ, the hotel’s restaurant nestled comfortably on the lower ground floor. From the moment we arrived, the staff were again full of hospitality and greeted us with real friendliness. My favourite part of any holiday is the food, and they really knew how to treat a young family to make sure everyone enjoyed their meal. Both boys were given delicious bowls of spaghetti, with the eldest exclaiming ‘that’s ginormous!’ when his dinner arrived.

The staff had a canny knack of making sure the kids’ food came just before the adults’. This little touch meant we could get the boys started on eating their dinner, and then we were able to enjoy ours more peacefully with the younger guests distracted. Mum had a very gourmet burger with perfectly cooked chips, and Dad enjoyed a very well-crafted salmon dish with pak choi and hollandaise sauce.

100 Queen's Gate Little Exploreres Package ESQ
ESQ where dinner is served!

Then on to pudding, which, without exaggeration, was the jewel in the crown of the whole weekend. Mum and Dad had grown-up desserts of cheesecake and chocolate parfait, which were once again expertly put together. The boys had two scoops of ice cream each, with added chocolate soil and some toothsome crunchy bits that really left us wanting more. But, remember the treat vouchers from the Little Explorers package? Well, now it was time to cash them in! The kids managed to get a second dessert course, which probably means it was the best day of their lives. The treat vouchers really live up to their name, as both boys were given hot chocolates and bowls of popcorn. Reviews from the kids were: ‘Wow’ (the seven-year old) and ‘I’m happy!’ (the three-year old).

100 Queen's Gate Little Exploreres Package

One thing I would point out here is the very broad drinks menu at ESQ. If you’re into your wine, they really do have some excellent bottles to choose from, and as a seasoned beer drinker I was very impressed by their pale ale.

In a postprandial stupor, we ascended back to our rooms and got the kids eventually into bed. The connecting rooms are really useful and allowed us to run two different bedtimes at once. The fact that they had a TV in their room also meant that we could occupy them when needed, which is a relief to any parent.

After a peaceful sleep, the youngest woke up at 6:15 – this qualifies as a lay-in. However, I have to say that I didn’t feel one bit tired, which is unusual. Probably the coffee machine in each room helped with that, as downing two espressos while watching Power Rangers is probably the most high-energy start to the day I’ve had in a long time.

Breakfast time arrived and so did we, at W/A where 100 Queen’s Gate serves breakfast. This meal was as flawless as the dinner we’d had the night before. We asked for the continental breakfast for the kids to share, and the waiter expertly substituted the granola for Coco Pops – a wise move, giving Mum the chance to enjoy her sausage and bacon in peace for a change.

100 Queen's Gate Little Exploreres Package
WA Restaurant – the perfect breakfast spot

Checking out was very easy, and once again the staff were so helpful, offering to look after our bags so we could enjoy a trip to Harrods. This saved us some hassle, as Harrods won’t let you in if you’re encumbered by luggage. We’ve never done Harrods before, and it was such an experience for all of us. The kids were overwhelmed by the grocery market (‘the food looks like a cartoon, Daddy’) and Dad was stunned by a chess set being sold for £24,283. Mum expertly handled the practical matters of acquiring souvenirs for grandparents, uncles and aunts.

Suitably shopped out, we retrieved our luggage from the hotel and had a clear run to Victoria Station. We had debated taking the tube, but in the current situation we prefer to avoid confined spaces, and really it’s so quiet on the streets at the moment that you can manoeuvre your kids through the city on foot with minimal stress.

On the train home we asked the children for their reviews. The eldest wanted to live at 100 Queen’s Gate, which I’m told isn’t possible (unfortunately). The youngest was asleep, which I took as a sign of contentment. All in all, we came away feeling refreshed and satisfied by our staycation. We would definitely say that now is the time for young families to make the most of a trip to London and 100 Queen’s Gate Little Explorers Package offers the perfect way to do so.

Find out more about the 100 Queen’s Gate Little Explorers Package here.

100 Queen’s Gate
South Kensington



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