Reasons To Buy A New Build Home, Even If It Lacks “Character”

Moving house and not sure whether to go for a period property or something a bit more modern? Here are some reasons to buy a new build home, even if it lacks “character”…

In today’s property market, most buyers are quite attached to the idea that homes need character. All else held equal, they’d prefer something with the odd quirk here and there than a generic box, designed by an architect. However, that approach to house-buying is a little short-sighted. Just because a new build doesn’t have character right now, doesn’t imply it can’t at any point in the future.  In this post, we take a look at some of the reasons to buy a new build home. Check them out below. 

reasons to buy a new build home
Photo by Alex Qian from Pexels

Builders Apply The Latest Standards

Having a character property seems like a great idea. But when you actually come to live in one, you soon discover that it comes with all kinds of defects. The walls are wibbly-wobbly, the doors don’t shut properly, and there are mountains of asbestos in the attic. You feel like you’re living in a giant booby trap, ready to swallow you up. 

In newly built homes, this isn’t a problem. They do everything to the latest standards, so you’re getting a truly modern home, not something builders threw together in Victorian times. 

Peace Of Mind

Next on our list of reasons to buy a new build home is for peace of mind. People like to say that buying a new build home provides peace of mind. And, to some extent, it does. But that’s not really where the real peace of mind comes from. Remember, new builds typically have dozens of hidden defects hidden behind the drywall. 

It’s critical, therefore, to get a survey. If you find yourself asking, Which survey do I need when buying a home then it is important to do your research and find the best one for you.

Glad you asked. You want a specific new build survey where experts inspect every element of the property to see if it is up to standard. If not, they can ask the builder to fix it on your behalf before you come to buy. 

This way, you get the best of both worlds. Not only are you buying a new build (implying low maintenance costs). But you’re also ensuring that the property is free from problems going forward. 

No Forward Chain

Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy a property as easily as you buy groceries from the store? Well, thanks to new builds, it is. And this is one of the great reasons to buy a new build home. You just pick the home you want and then move in – it’s that simple. Yes, things are a little more complicated if you have a backward chain and are waiting for people to buy your house. But it is certainly less complicated. 

It’s A Blank Canvas

Importantly, new builds are a blank canvas. They usually have a certain style about them. But beyond that, they’re free to modify how you like. 

This part of the process is your excuse to insert a bit of character. If you feel like the new build is boring, you can always change it later. You don’t have to stick with the status quo. 

This way, you get all of the advantages of a new build, without any of the drawbacks. If you get it right, you can live in a modern house with all of the character of one that’s much older. It’s up to you. What are your thoughts on our reasons to buy a new build home? Let us know in the comments below!


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